Yesterday I got my acceptance letter to USU. I'm not trying to sound cocky when I say that I wasn't worried about being accepted. USU pretty much accepts anyone who can read and write their own name. It's not hard to get in. But... this is something I've been dreaming about since... I could dream, pretty much. This is something that I've wanted for my whole life, and now it's happening. And I am so, so excited! And a little scared. Getting this letter means I'm actually going. In about 8 months, I'll be off to college. I'll move away from home, and start making it on my own. It also means that I really, really need that scholarship. I'm taking the ACT (again) on the 3rd of January, and now it's time to study my brains out. I'm going to be the very best I can be, and hopefully that's enough. If it's not... well, I'll deal with that when I get to it.
Also, Scott is now on his mission. It's somewhat strange for me, because for the past month and a half I've at least talked to him every day. So it's really strange to me that I haven't spoken to him in 4 days. I know, I know. Big deal, right? Well for me it is a big deal. He is doing something really, really amazing. And I am so proud of him. These next two years will be amazing.
The past little while I've been hanging out with Sarah, Jamie, Mary, and Katie. It's really strange for me to be hanging out with girls, I'm not gonna lie. I've never really got along with girls very well, as Nathan can attest. ;) Mostly I hang out with guys. But it's really fun to be able to talk about girl things and to giggle and scream and not get weird looks. Or not notice the weird looks, anyway. I don't know how I got these great friends, but I really do love them. They're wonderful.
Well, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I can't believe it; 2007 is almost over!
Oh, Nathan was talking about my song. I wrote a song. Jaron and Rachel put music to it. It's super cheesy, but when you hear the music, it's much better. Nick rolled his eyes when he read it. But hey, I like it. I don't know if I really want to post the lyrics up here, but if you want to read them, let me know and I'll see what I can do. ;)
Anyway, that's all for today. Hopefully I'll post again before 2008, cuz I've got some good ideas. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Crystal Ball
It's official. I applied to Utah State last night. I sent my transcript to them today. The future is officially here, and I'm ready for it! I even started looking at majors last night, and I have two that I'm really thinking about. The first one is in physical education with a physical therapy emphasis. That means I would be about one step away from a gym teacher. Freaky, huh? The second one is in deaf education. How cool would that be?! I love sign language. I'm always learning random signs and figuring out how to incorporate them into my daily life. I think it would be awesome!! The funny thing is, I never even considered a career in education. I never wanted to be a teacher, or anything like that. But look at me now. I think deaf education would be amazing, and physical therapy... well, I've already said that I'll basically be a gym teacher in a hospital. But... I'm so excited!! Really, things are happening quickly. But I am so ready for them. I'm excited for graduation, I'm excited for my future, I'm excited for the changes that are going on in my life right now.
I'm retaking the ACT for the third (and final) time on January 3. If you are going to Utah State, you can take the ACT on campus and get your results the same day. I'm so close to my scholarship, I can taste it. And this time, I am not going in unprepared. I bought a Sparknotes study guide yesterday, and I am taking this test head on. College will be so much easier if I don't have to worry about paying for it. The study guide has good tips, and even though this will be my third time through the test, I think I'm learning for it. I'm going to get that 31. This is it!
When I go up to USU to take the ACT, my dad is taking a day off of work and my parents are coming with me. We're taking a campus tour, and I think we're even meeting with an academic advisor. My mom is going to introduce me to some of the people she knows that work at the University. We're also going to check out the housing. I am so ready for this. My mom keeps teasing me, saying I'm a squirrel because every time someone gives me something that I'm taking to college with me, I run upstairs and put it into my college box. Mostly I just have kitchen stuff, like pots and pans. Before I move up to Logan, we're even going to buy a little rice cooker.
I just feel... ready for this. Excited. Mature. I can't wait to have my "own" apartment. As weird as it sounds, I'm kind of excited to be poor. :D I want to have to buy my own food, pay for my own house, and depend mostly on myself. I'm looking forward to the independence. I'll be able to do what I want to, when I want to. I guess it kind of sounds bad when I put it that way. It's not like I'm going to stay up until 3 every night and do all sorts of crazy stuff, but I like having the option to do that if I want to. :D Does that even make sense? Who knows, I'm insane!
Life is so amazingly good right now. I am super, super excited for all that lies ahead. I am so excited for all that I have right now. The future is here, boys and girls. And I am oh so ready. :D
your soon to be college girl,
I'm retaking the ACT for the third (and final) time on January 3. If you are going to Utah State, you can take the ACT on campus and get your results the same day. I'm so close to my scholarship, I can taste it. And this time, I am not going in unprepared. I bought a Sparknotes study guide yesterday, and I am taking this test head on. College will be so much easier if I don't have to worry about paying for it. The study guide has good tips, and even though this will be my third time through the test, I think I'm learning for it. I'm going to get that 31. This is it!
When I go up to USU to take the ACT, my dad is taking a day off of work and my parents are coming with me. We're taking a campus tour, and I think we're even meeting with an academic advisor. My mom is going to introduce me to some of the people she knows that work at the University. We're also going to check out the housing. I am so ready for this. My mom keeps teasing me, saying I'm a squirrel because every time someone gives me something that I'm taking to college with me, I run upstairs and put it into my college box. Mostly I just have kitchen stuff, like pots and pans. Before I move up to Logan, we're even going to buy a little rice cooker.
I just feel... ready for this. Excited. Mature. I can't wait to have my "own" apartment. As weird as it sounds, I'm kind of excited to be poor. :D I want to have to buy my own food, pay for my own house, and depend mostly on myself. I'm looking forward to the independence. I'll be able to do what I want to, when I want to. I guess it kind of sounds bad when I put it that way. It's not like I'm going to stay up until 3 every night and do all sorts of crazy stuff, but I like having the option to do that if I want to. :D Does that even make sense? Who knows, I'm insane!
Life is so amazingly good right now. I am super, super excited for all that lies ahead. I am so excited for all that I have right now. The future is here, boys and girls. And I am oh so ready. :D
your soon to be college girl,
Friday, November 23, 2007
Whatever Life
My life is NO whatever life, that's for sure. I love life. I really do. Things are going so well. I'm incredibly, incredibly happy. I don't think I've ever imagined being so happy. School is going well. I'm excited for the future. More so than I've ever been before. I have amazing friends. I'm doing things I've never even thought about doing, and I'm enjoying doing them. Isn't that what life is all about? :D I believe so.
Through all of this... things are moving so fast! And there are people that I haven't seen in awhile that I would love to talk to again. There are people that I want to spend time with. I'm resolving right now to email/call/visit them. :D I will do this. It can only make me happier than I already am.
Anyway, I really don't have much to say. Isn't it funny? I say that my life is insanely busy, but I don't have much to say about it. :D I guess that's just the way things go. Well, I better run. ;) Talk to you all soon!
Mucho Amor
Through all of this... things are moving so fast! And there are people that I haven't seen in awhile that I would love to talk to again. There are people that I want to spend time with. I'm resolving right now to email/call/visit them. :D I will do this. It can only make me happier than I already am.
Anyway, I really don't have much to say. Isn't it funny? I say that my life is insanely busy, but I don't have much to say about it. :D I guess that's just the way things go. Well, I better run. ;) Talk to you all soon!
Mucho Amor
Friday, October 26, 2007
Long Time, No Blog
Hello, world. Actually, I won't be surprised if no one really reads this. It would serve me right for not blogging for so long. So much has happened lately. I'm not sure if the world around me is changing, or if I'm changing. Or maybe nothing's changed. Who knows.
School is insanely busy. I'm in the musical this year, as well as concert choir. As a musical cast we've been preparing for the musical lately (duh), and as a choir we've been preparing for our veterans day concert. There have been days that I've had musical rehearsals start at 2:30 and go until at 5:30 and choir rehearsals start at 5:30 and go until 9. Needless to say, it's quite exhausting. But I know it's all going to be worth it. The end products will be amazing, and I will carry these memories with me forever.
Last year when we registered for this years classes, I would have sworn to you that I had picked easy ones. Now I'm not so sure. Things are definitely a lot more difficult than I had planned on them being, but with that said, I wouldn't trade it. My classes are fun, and I'm learning things. Not just academic things, but things that I'll carry with me throughout my life. Things that I'll use after graduation.
Work... another challenge. Those of you who know what I do know that what I do is easy, and works well with scheduling. The only problem has been trying to find that time to work at all. I've had to greatly reduce my hours, which has greatly reduced my paycheck. I thought junior year was expensive, but senior year is definitely leaving a hole in my pockets... The smaller paycheck is not helping. But hey, the musical is almost over and then I can get back to my regular number of hours, maybe even more. That would be exciting. :D
Things are happening so quickly lately. It's hard to explain. I have one friend married, and one friend who leaves on his mission in December. A very, very dear friend who is leaving in December. I am so excited for him. Only good things can come of him leaving. But at the same time, I'm going to miss him desperately. But we've worked things out... I'll write to him while he's gone, and when he comes home he's coming up to Utah State with me. Wow, 2 years, tho. It seems like forever!
Do you realize that in August I'll be moving? I'll be away from home, in a place that I've known since my childhood, yet it's a place that is new and exciting. I'll be accountable for me. No more running to mommy and daddy when things get rough. It's up to me to be the good girl, it's up to me to be strong. I'm excited. I can do this. :D
This is my 100th post. It's taken me over a year to get here, and that's ok. I still love my blog, even if I don't get to add to it very often. It's a fun place for me to come to. It's a fun place to remember and a fun way to look back on all that I've been lucky enough to experience.
Maybe I have changed. I don't know, it's hard for me to tell. I just see the me that's here in the present. It's hard to remember the me in the past, and it's strange to imagine the me in the future. :D Am I making any sense? Probably not. It's a good thing this blog is for me then, right?
Anyway, I've got to run. I have the ACT tomorrow, and my dad should be home from Vegas very very soon. :) Much love to everyone, hopefully I'll get to talk to you all soon.
School is insanely busy. I'm in the musical this year, as well as concert choir. As a musical cast we've been preparing for the musical lately (duh), and as a choir we've been preparing for our veterans day concert. There have been days that I've had musical rehearsals start at 2:30 and go until at 5:30 and choir rehearsals start at 5:30 and go until 9. Needless to say, it's quite exhausting. But I know it's all going to be worth it. The end products will be amazing, and I will carry these memories with me forever.
Last year when we registered for this years classes, I would have sworn to you that I had picked easy ones. Now I'm not so sure. Things are definitely a lot more difficult than I had planned on them being, but with that said, I wouldn't trade it. My classes are fun, and I'm learning things. Not just academic things, but things that I'll carry with me throughout my life. Things that I'll use after graduation.
Work... another challenge. Those of you who know what I do know that what I do is easy, and works well with scheduling. The only problem has been trying to find that time to work at all. I've had to greatly reduce my hours, which has greatly reduced my paycheck. I thought junior year was expensive, but senior year is definitely leaving a hole in my pockets... The smaller paycheck is not helping. But hey, the musical is almost over and then I can get back to my regular number of hours, maybe even more. That would be exciting. :D
Things are happening so quickly lately. It's hard to explain. I have one friend married, and one friend who leaves on his mission in December. A very, very dear friend who is leaving in December. I am so excited for him. Only good things can come of him leaving. But at the same time, I'm going to miss him desperately. But we've worked things out... I'll write to him while he's gone, and when he comes home he's coming up to Utah State with me. Wow, 2 years, tho. It seems like forever!
Do you realize that in August I'll be moving? I'll be away from home, in a place that I've known since my childhood, yet it's a place that is new and exciting. I'll be accountable for me. No more running to mommy and daddy when things get rough. It's up to me to be the good girl, it's up to me to be strong. I'm excited. I can do this. :D
This is my 100th post. It's taken me over a year to get here, and that's ok. I still love my blog, even if I don't get to add to it very often. It's a fun place for me to come to. It's a fun place to remember and a fun way to look back on all that I've been lucky enough to experience.
Maybe I have changed. I don't know, it's hard for me to tell. I just see the me that's here in the present. It's hard to remember the me in the past, and it's strange to imagine the me in the future. :D Am I making any sense? Probably not. It's a good thing this blog is for me then, right?
Anyway, I've got to run. I have the ACT tomorrow, and my dad should be home from Vegas very very soon. :) Much love to everyone, hopefully I'll get to talk to you all soon.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Cool Stuff
Hey everyone! Long time no see. Things have been incredibly busy. I usually end up getting to school at about 7. But I don't end up getting hom until 5. That's 10 hours at school... plus homework and work and church. So it's a busy busy corky. Kim and Alan have got me involved in drama... and I have to say, I'm having a ball. I'm absolutely loving it. Each day is more fun and adventerous than the next.
Creative writing is also a ton of fun. Writing comes easier and easier each day. I love it. :D
Actually, here's something that I wrote in creative writing. Let me know what you think of it!
Bring back a memory
A dream, a wish
Bring back a hope
Or a childhood kiss
Bring back a moment
From a time far away
Bring back the music
From a distant day
Bring back a feeling
To enrich the soul
Bring back a story
We already know
Bring back a thought
So fond and so deep
Bring back a dream
From a sleepless sleep
Bring back a want
A need, a desire
Bring back a passion
Burning bright as a fire
Bring back a love
Beautiful and sure
Bring back a home
Warm, cozy, secure
Bring back a life
Too precious to lose
Bring back a something,
Whatever you choose.
I also got headshots taken at school... I'm not sure how they look. :D Let me know what you think! I love hearing people's opinions. Comment lots and lots!!!

Annnyway, there's my update. ;) Comment. I like comments.
Creative writing is also a ton of fun. Writing comes easier and easier each day. I love it. :D
Actually, here's something that I wrote in creative writing. Let me know what you think of it!
Bring back a memory
A dream, a wish
Bring back a hope
Or a childhood kiss
Bring back a moment
From a time far away
Bring back the music
From a distant day
Bring back a feeling
To enrich the soul
Bring back a story
We already know
Bring back a thought
So fond and so deep
Bring back a dream
From a sleepless sleep
Bring back a want
A need, a desire
Bring back a passion
Burning bright as a fire
Bring back a love
Beautiful and sure
Bring back a home
Warm, cozy, secure
Bring back a life
Too precious to lose
Bring back a something,
Whatever you choose.
I also got headshots taken at school... I'm not sure how they look. :D Let me know what you think! I love hearing people's opinions. Comment lots and lots!!!

Annnyway, there's my update. ;) Comment. I like comments.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Walk Tall
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10
This has become one of my favorite scriptures. So much so that I carry it with me everywhere I go: in my wallet, in a note written to me by one of my best friends in a time of frustration and need. This is my testimony: He lives. He loves me, He loves you. And He is never far away.
Walk Tall
1. Right now I have a prayer deep within my heart,
A prayer for each of you there is a special part.
That you remember who you are and He who lives above.
Please seek for Him and live His way; you’ll feel His love.
Walk tall, you’re a daughter, a child of God.
Be strong—please remember who you are.
Try to understand, You’re part of His great plan.
He’s closer than you know—reach up, He’ll take your hand.
2. Long before the time you can remember,
Our Father held you in His arms so tender.
Those loving arms released you as He sent you down to earth.
He said, “My child, I love you. Don’t forget your great worth.”
3. This life on earth we knew would not be easy.
At times we lose our way—His plan we may not see.
But please remember always—please—that you are not alone.
He’ll take your hand. He loves you! He will guide you home.
It's true. I know it is. I know it with all of my heart. He's always there. All we have to do is reach for Him.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Isaiah 41:10
This has become one of my favorite scriptures. So much so that I carry it with me everywhere I go: in my wallet, in a note written to me by one of my best friends in a time of frustration and need. This is my testimony: He lives. He loves me, He loves you. And He is never far away.
Walk Tall
1. Right now I have a prayer deep within my heart,
A prayer for each of you there is a special part.
That you remember who you are and He who lives above.
Please seek for Him and live His way; you’ll feel His love.
Walk tall, you’re a daughter, a child of God.
Be strong—please remember who you are.
Try to understand, You’re part of His great plan.
He’s closer than you know—reach up, He’ll take your hand.
2. Long before the time you can remember,
Our Father held you in His arms so tender.
Those loving arms released you as He sent you down to earth.
He said, “My child, I love you. Don’t forget your great worth.”
3. This life on earth we knew would not be easy.
At times we lose our way—His plan we may not see.
But please remember always—please—that you are not alone.
He’ll take your hand. He loves you! He will guide you home.
It's true. I know it is. I know it with all of my heart. He's always there. All we have to do is reach for Him.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Holy Busy Week, Batman!!
Goodness gracious, can you say crazy? Cuz that's what my week has been. It's finally Saturday, and I've still got a busy busy day ahead of me, if everything works out right. I have to try on a dress for Stephanie, and Scott's randomly decided that he wants to go paintballing, so we'll see what happens! Plus I still have a box and a half to finish for work, I'm thinking I'll finish those Monday.
I swear, school is eating my paycheck. So many fees...
Football game last night. We lost, but it was seriously a good game. The Warriors definitely put up a good fight! I'm proud of our team. After the game, James, Dakota, and I went to Leatherbyes and got some yummy ice cream treats. It was HUMONGOUS!!! We shared it, and by the time we finished we were all thuroughly sick of ice cream. But it was still yummy. :D
*sigh* I haven't been on the computer much at all lately, I suppose that's what school is. Less time to waste, more time to work, right? Speaking of work... I have to clean my room before Steph gets here!
Much love!
Goodness gracious, can you say crazy? Cuz that's what my week has been. It's finally Saturday, and I've still got a busy busy day ahead of me, if everything works out right. I have to try on a dress for Stephanie, and Scott's randomly decided that he wants to go paintballing, so we'll see what happens! Plus I still have a box and a half to finish for work, I'm thinking I'll finish those Monday.
I swear, school is eating my paycheck. So many fees...
Football game last night. We lost, but it was seriously a good game. The Warriors definitely put up a good fight! I'm proud of our team. After the game, James, Dakota, and I went to Leatherbyes and got some yummy ice cream treats. It was HUMONGOUS!!! We shared it, and by the time we finished we were all thuroughly sick of ice cream. But it was still yummy. :D
*sigh* I haven't been on the computer much at all lately, I suppose that's what school is. Less time to waste, more time to work, right? Speaking of work... I have to clean my room before Steph gets here!
Much love!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hey kiddies, guess what! I've been blogging for over a year and didn't even realize it... weird. Yeah, so you guys have had to listen to me for awhile now...
I apologize. ;)
But not really. So yeah. There ya go. This post is Nathan's fault. So there.
I apologize. ;)
But not really. So yeah. There ya go. This post is Nathan's fault. So there.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
As Promised...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hello Everyone. It's been awhile. Things have been CRAZY!!! And I've been loving every second of it completely. :D :D Anyway, I can't really think of too much to say right now, mostly I just wanted to say hi! ;) But I better run. The beach is calling my name...
PS: there might be a picture later... I'm not 100% sure, but it's a possibility.
PS: there might be a picture later... I'm not 100% sure, but it's a possibility.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Cold Shower
It's funny how, with one little bit of information, a whole outlook can change. By learning something new today, my view of the world may shift. That fact may have always been true, but because I didn't know it, things were different in my world.
Maybe I'm not making any sense; it's just interesting, that's all.
Ya know, I'm almost ready for school to start again. Just so I have something to talk about. Just so I get to see people everyday again.
I went swimming with some people today. It was good fun. Stuart and Peter threw me into the pool. The thing is, my body was parallel to the water. Have you ever belly flopped? Try that on your back. Molly said it looked like someone had slapped my back with an open palm. It was all good fun, tho. I laughed.
Tonight I'm going to a movie night at Katie's, I can't wait! Finally I get to spend time with people who aren't related to me!!
Anyway, I better go. We're going out for dinner...
Maybe I'm not making any sense; it's just interesting, that's all.
Ya know, I'm almost ready for school to start again. Just so I have something to talk about. Just so I get to see people everyday again.
I went swimming with some people today. It was good fun. Stuart and Peter threw me into the pool. The thing is, my body was parallel to the water. Have you ever belly flopped? Try that on your back. Molly said it looked like someone had slapped my back with an open palm. It was all good fun, tho. I laughed.
Tonight I'm going to a movie night at Katie's, I can't wait! Finally I get to spend time with people who aren't related to me!!
Anyway, I better go. We're going out for dinner...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Dance Day
Oh man, today is definitely a happy day, and I'm not sure why. Everything is just happy. The sun is shining, it rained last night, I got a great night of sleep, I had a yummy lunch, I'm listening to a great new cd, and talking to one of my amazing friends (yes, that's you, Spencer. ;) ). It's definitely a dance around listening to crazy music day. :D
'Cept I have to go to the dentist later... yuck. Oh well, I'm not gonna let that spoil my day.
Oh, and I have my laptop back!! It's fixed... mostly! ;)
Plain White T's are AMAZING!!!! I love this new CD. It's pretty much awesome. The lyrics are totally great. Hmm... happy corky... :D
I cut myself today on a piece of glass from a picture frame. My thumb is kind of sore.
Annnyway, you're all probably in Post Overdose since I've posted 3 times in 2 days. But I'm having fun. I might even post again later. ;)
'Cept I have to go to the dentist later... yuck. Oh well, I'm not gonna let that spoil my day.
Oh, and I have my laptop back!! It's fixed... mostly! ;)
Plain White T's are AMAZING!!!! I love this new CD. It's pretty much awesome. The lyrics are totally great. Hmm... happy corky... :D
I cut myself today on a piece of glass from a picture frame. My thumb is kind of sore.
Annnyway, you're all probably in Post Overdose since I've posted 3 times in 2 days. But I'm having fun. I might even post again later. ;)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Post #2
Yup, second one for the day. Ouch. That's all I can really think right now. But seriously, that was a low blow.
Oh, and the stupid HP thing is over. I can't do it. Waaay too much work and stuff going on right now. But I'm still going to the book release at midnight.
So yeah. The end.
Oh, and the stupid HP thing is over. I can't do it. Waaay too much work and stuff going on right now. But I'm still going to the book release at midnight.
So yeah. The end.
That's right, everyone. It's Harry Potter Time. The 5th movie is amazing, definitely the best out of all of them. And I'm hoping I'll be able to say the same about the 7th book, which comes out Saturday at midnight. Am I going at midnight? You bet I am.
So, when the 6th book came out, my little sister gave me a challenge: "I bet you can't read them all before the next one comes out."
This was on the Monday before the 6th book was to be released.
I said "I bet you I can."
And I did. I read the first and part of the second on Monday, I finished the second and read half of the third on Tuesday, finished the third and read part of the forth on Wednesday, finished the forth on Thursday, and read the fifth on Friday.
Then I read the whole sixth book on Saturday.
And guess what! I'm trying it again. I'm not sure if I can do it this time. With work, seminary, and a bunch of other stuff going on, it's rough. But I'm trying.
So wish me luck. ;)
So, when the 6th book came out, my little sister gave me a challenge: "I bet you can't read them all before the next one comes out."
This was on the Monday before the 6th book was to be released.
I said "I bet you I can."
And I did. I read the first and part of the second on Monday, I finished the second and read half of the third on Tuesday, finished the third and read part of the forth on Wednesday, finished the forth on Thursday, and read the fifth on Friday.
Then I read the whole sixth book on Saturday.
And guess what! I'm trying it again. I'm not sure if I can do it this time. With work, seminary, and a bunch of other stuff going on, it's rough. But I'm trying.
So wish me luck. ;)
Monday, July 09, 2007
I have no life.
That's why I'm online at 1:28 pm.
I have no money.
That's why I'm not at Lagoon with Stuart.
I have terrible eating habits.
That's why I'm eating a piece of cake for lunch.
That's why I'm online at 1:28 pm.
I have no money.
That's why I'm not at Lagoon with Stuart.
I have terrible eating habits.
That's why I'm eating a piece of cake for lunch.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Happy Girl!
Oh man, I'm super happy right now! And nothing can take that away. Nothing.
This summer is going to be so great. We're almost a month into it, and it totally and completely rocks! I'm hoping it keeps going the way it is right now, because... I don't think it can get any better!
So here's to 2 more months of complete summer bliss! Hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am!!
This summer is going to be so great. We're almost a month into it, and it totally and completely rocks! I'm hoping it keeps going the way it is right now, because... I don't think it can get any better!
So here's to 2 more months of complete summer bliss! Hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bring On The Flip Flops!!
Oh man oh man oh man oh man. :D I love saying that... Anyway, I'm finally back from my various adventures and I'm ready to blog. So here goes nothing. :D
These past few days have been strange, I mean... well, school ended and I was off to California. I came home, and the next day I was off to Provo (why anyone would WANT to go there, I don't know. ;) I have an EFY excuse... ;) ). So when I finally got home, I feel like I should be getting up and getting ready for school in the morning. It hasn't really hit me that it actually is summer. So the fact that I'm sitting at home writing this instead of doing some writing warm-up in Harward's class is somewhat weird to me right now. :D
I have yet to see any of my friends for more than an hour this summer. Yesterday Steph and I went to Just Add Coffee, and we chilled there with our milk shakes for about... well, a little less than an hour. That was definitely good fun. :D I <3 that girl. :D
Oh man, Alan brought me back the coolest necklace from NY!!! I LOVE it. You have no idea...
So I'm going to be in the Ward Talent Show at the end of the summer. Sort of cuz my mom wants be to be in it, sort of cuz I want to be in it. Anyway, I'm going to be playing A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief and There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today on my guitar. I've changed Sunshine a bit. :D I made it faster, and it sounds really, really cool. You should all come and watch me play. :D :D Cuz I'll need the support... I really hate performing... so why do I do it? Cuz I love it. :D It's a love/hate relationship. ;)
Hmm... I can't really think of anything else. So you all should have a fantabulous day!!! :D
UPDATE: Spencer called me "dorky." I'm so proud of him!!! :D
These past few days have been strange, I mean... well, school ended and I was off to California. I came home, and the next day I was off to Provo (why anyone would WANT to go there, I don't know. ;) I have an EFY excuse... ;) ). So when I finally got home, I feel like I should be getting up and getting ready for school in the morning. It hasn't really hit me that it actually is summer. So the fact that I'm sitting at home writing this instead of doing some writing warm-up in Harward's class is somewhat weird to me right now. :D
I have yet to see any of my friends for more than an hour this summer. Yesterday Steph and I went to Just Add Coffee, and we chilled there with our milk shakes for about... well, a little less than an hour. That was definitely good fun. :D I <3 that girl. :D
Oh man, Alan brought me back the coolest necklace from NY!!! I LOVE it. You have no idea...
So I'm going to be in the Ward Talent Show at the end of the summer. Sort of cuz my mom wants be to be in it, sort of cuz I want to be in it. Anyway, I'm going to be playing A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief and There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today on my guitar. I've changed Sunshine a bit. :D I made it faster, and it sounds really, really cool. You should all come and watch me play. :D :D Cuz I'll need the support... I really hate performing... so why do I do it? Cuz I love it. :D It's a love/hate relationship. ;)
Hmm... I can't really think of anything else. So you all should have a fantabulous day!!! :D
UPDATE: Spencer called me "dorky." I'm so proud of him!!! :D
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Congratulations to the Class of '06-'07. You're now officially "adults."
Scary. Nathan's an adult. Never thought I'd be able to say it... It almost hurts me inside. ;)
Now that that's over with.... Make room for the class of '07-'08!
2008, We Dominate! ;)
Scary. Nathan's an adult. Never thought I'd be able to say it... It almost hurts me inside. ;)
Now that that's over with.... Make room for the class of '07-'08!
2008, We Dominate! ;)
Monday, May 28, 2007
My Hair's Wet...
But I guess that's what a shower will do to ya, right?
I can't believe this school year is over. 9 months of struggling with math, history, english, and everything else is almost over. When I think of what's happened this year, I can't help but laugh. It's been an insane year. Am I ready to be a senior? In some ways, yes. In others, no. But one thing's for sure: Look out Taylorsville. Cuz I'm in charge, now. ;)
A few things I remember from this year...
August: On one of the first days of school, before the madness that was Seussical, Jaron, Alan, and I sat out by one of the relos and just talked. It's been one of my favorite memories. It was just us three. And all we did was sit, and talk. No interruptions. Nothing to rush off and do. No homework to do. If you ask me, best friends and silence make the best memories.
November: Sadies. I got to go to a dance with one of my best friends. How lucky am I?!
February: Birthday!! Ahh!! Sweethearts... oh man, I had the best time ever...
April: Prom. Not the conventional dance, that's for sure. ;) Another date with one of my best friends. What can I say, I'm lucky.
May: AP testing. 4 hours of torture. And the rest is yet to come...
Well, that's just a few memories. I love remembering. Let me tell you, I remember some of the stupidest things! It just makes me laugh. So much has happened this year. I've made so many new friends. Can you believe I've only known Nathan since September?! lol. And look at us now. We're insane!
Well, Junior year is almost finished. 4 more days of madness, and then I'm a senior. Can you believe it? I sure can't. I remember walking down the street with one of my best friends in 2nd grade talking about what we were going to do when we turned 16. I had decided that I was going to be tall. I was going to have a red car, and a boyfriend. And I was going to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Ha. Ha. Ha. What a dreamer, right? First of all, I'm short. Extremely short. I have a blue (almost purple) truck, and no boyfriend. And there's no way I do everything I want to do. But you know what? I love my life. I think it's even better than I imagined it was going to be. So here's to a great summer, and one more great school year. And then I'm out of here. ;) Look out world. Here I come. ;)
I can't believe this school year is over. 9 months of struggling with math, history, english, and everything else is almost over. When I think of what's happened this year, I can't help but laugh. It's been an insane year. Am I ready to be a senior? In some ways, yes. In others, no. But one thing's for sure: Look out Taylorsville. Cuz I'm in charge, now. ;)
A few things I remember from this year...
August: On one of the first days of school, before the madness that was Seussical, Jaron, Alan, and I sat out by one of the relos and just talked. It's been one of my favorite memories. It was just us three. And all we did was sit, and talk. No interruptions. Nothing to rush off and do. No homework to do. If you ask me, best friends and silence make the best memories.
November: Sadies. I got to go to a dance with one of my best friends. How lucky am I?!
February: Birthday!! Ahh!! Sweethearts... oh man, I had the best time ever...
April: Prom. Not the conventional dance, that's for sure. ;) Another date with one of my best friends. What can I say, I'm lucky.
May: AP testing. 4 hours of torture. And the rest is yet to come...
Well, that's just a few memories. I love remembering. Let me tell you, I remember some of the stupidest things! It just makes me laugh. So much has happened this year. I've made so many new friends. Can you believe I've only known Nathan since September?! lol. And look at us now. We're insane!
Well, Junior year is almost finished. 4 more days of madness, and then I'm a senior. Can you believe it? I sure can't. I remember walking down the street with one of my best friends in 2nd grade talking about what we were going to do when we turned 16. I had decided that I was going to be tall. I was going to have a red car, and a boyfriend. And I was going to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Ha. Ha. Ha. What a dreamer, right? First of all, I'm short. Extremely short. I have a blue (almost purple) truck, and no boyfriend. And there's no way I do everything I want to do. But you know what? I love my life. I think it's even better than I imagined it was going to be. So here's to a great summer, and one more great school year. And then I'm out of here. ;) Look out world. Here I come. ;)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
There's a Pick in My Guitar...
Yup. There's often a pick in my guitar. I drop it in there accidentally when I play. Then it takes me like 20 minutes to get it out. What can I say? I'm defficient.
It's Kortney's birthday. Happy Birthday, babe! You're amazing. And old. ;)
Region dance tonight at my stake center. Partay.
I went to the TAAB Awards last night. TAAB stands for Theatre Awards And Banquet. They used to be called the Academy Awards. For some weird reason, Schmid changed the name. But whatev. I got to wear my dress from sweethearts, so that was really exciting.
My mom and I have been watching The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. I LOVE those movies. Totally amazing.
And I really need to get my pick out of my guitar. Cuz I really want to play and I can't play without my pick. So yeah...
See ya!
It's Kortney's birthday. Happy Birthday, babe! You're amazing. And old. ;)
Region dance tonight at my stake center. Partay.
I went to the TAAB Awards last night. TAAB stands for Theatre Awards And Banquet. They used to be called the Academy Awards. For some weird reason, Schmid changed the name. But whatev. I got to wear my dress from sweethearts, so that was really exciting.
My mom and I have been watching The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. I LOVE those movies. Totally amazing.
And I really need to get my pick out of my guitar. Cuz I really want to play and I can't play without my pick. So yeah...
See ya!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Sigh Of Relief.... Almost
Wow, it's been awhile, hasn't it?! Life is insane. So.. oh man, I don't even know where to start! My brain's sort of fried. I had the AP English Language and Composition test today. Friday was the AP US History test. Let me tell you, it feels amazing to have those two things out of the way. I didn't even notice how stressed I was just over those two tests, and now that they're done... It's like I can finally breathe again!
I got my ACT scores back!
Composite Score: 30
English: 33
Mathematics: 27
Reading: 35
Science: 25
Combined English/Writing: 31
I was pretty happy with my score. Then I saw that I needed a 31 to get the scholarship that I want from USU. To make a long story short, I'm taking it again. Yeah.
I finally figured out how to drive my stick shift. Now I can drive my truck to school instead of driving my mom's van. That makes me happy. :D
11 days of school left. Hallelujah!! This summer is going to be AMAZING. No joke. I've got a ton of stuff planned. And you better believe I'm going to be hanging out with my friends A TON!!
Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!! I made myself laugh soooo hard yesterday!! My sisters were making cookies for a school project. Now, I think that the best time to eat a cookie is when it's right out of the oven so it's all warm and yummy. My sisters know this, so as they were pulling their cookies out of the oven, they said "Courtney, do you want a hot cookie?" And I said...
wait for it...
drum roll please...
"I AM a hot cookie!"
*cue the crickets*
Yeah, they didn't laugh, either. But I did. Oh man, I kill myself sometimes. Hey, if you can't make yourself laugh, what's the point? Right? Right.
Did I mention that there's only 11 days of school? I'm getting caught up. I'm really close. The problem is, I have no ambition. It's pretty much gone. I still have an english project, a history project, a bunch of math stuff, plus makeup work. Ok, so I'm not quite caught up... I might die before the school year ends. But junior year is the hardest... I hope.
Wow, I'm sleepy.
Alright, well I'm going to go and try to do some of my homework. Too bad that doesn't sound appealing at all...
I got my ACT scores back!
Composite Score: 30
English: 33
Mathematics: 27
Reading: 35
Science: 25
Combined English/Writing: 31
I was pretty happy with my score. Then I saw that I needed a 31 to get the scholarship that I want from USU. To make a long story short, I'm taking it again. Yeah.
I finally figured out how to drive my stick shift. Now I can drive my truck to school instead of driving my mom's van. That makes me happy. :D
11 days of school left. Hallelujah!! This summer is going to be AMAZING. No joke. I've got a ton of stuff planned. And you better believe I'm going to be hanging out with my friends A TON!!
Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!! I made myself laugh soooo hard yesterday!! My sisters were making cookies for a school project. Now, I think that the best time to eat a cookie is when it's right out of the oven so it's all warm and yummy. My sisters know this, so as they were pulling their cookies out of the oven, they said "Courtney, do you want a hot cookie?" And I said...
wait for it...
drum roll please...
"I AM a hot cookie!"
*cue the crickets*
Yeah, they didn't laugh, either. But I did. Oh man, I kill myself sometimes. Hey, if you can't make yourself laugh, what's the point? Right? Right.
Did I mention that there's only 11 days of school? I'm getting caught up. I'm really close. The problem is, I have no ambition. It's pretty much gone. I still have an english project, a history project, a bunch of math stuff, plus makeup work. Ok, so I'm not quite caught up... I might die before the school year ends. But junior year is the hardest... I hope.
Wow, I'm sleepy.
Alright, well I'm going to go and try to do some of my homework. Too bad that doesn't sound appealing at all...
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I need more of it, that's for sure. And the sad thing is, compared to some people, I get tons of sleep. But I still always feel tired... ugh. This week will be... interesting. That's for sure. I don't know if I can handle it all, but I'm going to try.
Speaking of trying, I should do my english homework. I'll try to write a better post tomorrow. Key word being try. I already have a ton of homework for tomorrow.
See ya!
Speaking of trying, I should do my english homework. I'll try to write a better post tomorrow. Key word being try. I already have a ton of homework for tomorrow.
See ya!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
My foots asleep. So it's all tingly.
Basically, I'm writing this for myself. It's just a long explaination of my day, and you really don't need to read it. It'll be boring. And pretty stupid. So feel free to stop reading at any time.
Today was an interesting day. It was Blackout Day for Spirit Week, so I dressed up. Of course. ;) I always dress up. But today was probably my favorite day. I wore my black lounge pants with grey leggings underneath, and a black t-shirt that says "My bishop rocks," and my black flip flops. I was comfy all day long. :D I love it. I was kind of late leaving the house because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear. I still managed to make it to school on time, though. So that's good. Today was an A day, which means first period spanish, second period adult roles, lunch, third period history, fourth period social dance.
First period was alright. We did what we always do: Nothing. He explained conjugating verbs. I'm sorry, but if someone in my class doesn't know how to conjugate a verb, they're screwed. Because, even though I'm in spanish 1, we learned that at the VERY beginning of the year. And here we are in 4th term, and he's explaining it again. My spanish class is full of idiots.
Second period wasn't too exciting, either. We did a cross word, which took a surprisingly long time, and she gave us 2 other worksheets that I didn't get to finish. One is on budgeting (ugh) and the other on marriage. They're due next time, so I'll have to finish them this weekend sometime.
Lunch was pretty good. Alan and I had cooler ranch doritos and blue ice gatorade. Lunch of champions. All of the really healthy olympians? Yeah, they totally have cooler ranch doritos and blue ice gatorade for lunch everyday. I so know it.
Third period was... well, we had a DBQ today, and I wanted to scratch out my eyes. I did a horrible job. We'll leave it at that.
Fourth was actually pretty good. We've been working out the kinks on our cha cha performance. I think it's going to be really fun. I don't know if it will look good, but it will be fun. And that's all that's important. Plus, when we weren't dancing, we played Skum. Now that's a fun card game! :D
After school was when everything kind of... collapsed. Today was the auditions for concert choir. Now, everyone is going to think I'm a baby, and it's kind of weird considering how outgoing I am most of the time, but I'm not a performer. I don't like auditions, I don't like performing by myself, I don't like that kind of thing. It scares me to death. I wasn't too scared for the auditions, because Katie was going to audition with me, and it was going to be ok. But then Katie told me she wasn't auditioning. She didn't want to be in the choir. I had been nervous all day, and Alan had sort of been teasing me about it. He's so confident in performing, I don't think he realised how much it scared me. Anyway, I was in the cafeiteria after school, like I always am, when Katie called me and told me that she wasn't auditioning. I told her it was alright, and then I booked it out of the room. I knew that i was this [] close to a meltdown, and I didn't want everyone to see me cry. I'm such a baby! ;) So I went to b hall, which is where I knew Alan would be. If I saw him, that would be great. But I didn't want to spend a lot of time looking for him because I didn't want anyone to see me cry. So then Jamie stopped me in the hall "Are you ok?" Then I lost it. I started crying, and I explained everything to her. She consoled me, and talked to me, and comforted me. I think Austin might have gone to get Alan, or something. Because not long after Austin walked away, Alan walked up behind me. "Courtney Courtney Courtney!" I turned to him and started crying harder. "Court, what's wrong? Come on, let's go on a walk." So we walked, and I explained it all to him. He told me it was ok. He was going to help me, he would go into the auditions with me and it would be alright. He told me to go home and get my permission slip, and then come back and find him. So that's what I did. I was still sobbing when I got home. Truthfully, I don't know how I drove myself home. I was crying the whole way. I know, I know. It's rediculous. And I feel pretty stupid about it all now. But it's been a hard month, and I've been stressed out for a lot of things lately. This was just the icing on the cake.
So I came home. I talked to my mom. I drank a lot of water, cuz crying really isn't good right before you sing. I washed my face, brushed my hair. You know, the basic girl feel-good things.
Then I ventured back to school. I was walking into the building when Kortney showed up. She knew that I had auditions soon, and she knew how scared I was. Unlike Alan, she understood from the very beginning. We walked to the band room together, and on the way I called Alan. Alan felt really bad, but he couldn't come because he was helping with the play, and they were right in the midddle of a run-through. He wasn't allowed to leave the theater. If Kortney hadn't been there, I would have freaked out all over again. But I told Alan that I would be ok. ("Are you sure?" "No.") And I told him that I'd call him when I was finished with everything. Kortney played the song for me, as I practiced over and over again. Finally it was my turn. Kortney came in with me, and was my moral support. T talked to me a bit about choir, and why I hadn't been in it before ("Cuz I've never really thought that I could sing very well.") then she had me sing the melody. After, she told me that I should have started choir years before. She told me that my voice is very nice, it just needs a little training. Then she had me sing some scales. Kortney said that T had put me with the sopranos, and that she was trying to figure out my range. Alan told me that T had meant what she said about my voice. Huh. Well that wasn't nearly as painful as I had thought it was going to be. But Kim says that now I HAVE to try out for the musical, because now I'm "over" my fear of auditioning. NOT TRUE!! I'm still gonna be afraid. And I only have 2 weeks to figure out which song to sing, and to learn it. Uh oh. Just what I need. More stress.
I know this is a stupid post, but it feels good to get it all out. So I'm gonna keep going.
Molly and I have all but 2 lines of our song for the seminary talent show learned in sign language. Now I just have to get Alan to mix the music for me. Maybe I'll see if he can mix it for me this weekend. If he has any time. I hope he will, because the talent show is on Thursday, and we need to practice with the music.
I have a bunch of stuff going on tomorrow. I have a vocab test with over 100 words, I have 2 math assignments that I need to turn in, and I need to pass off at least 2 songs so I'm not failing guitar at midterm. The most important is the vocab test. I can always turn in the math late, he doens't take points off. And my mom says it's ok if I fail guitar at midterm, because she knows I can bring up the grade easily. So I need to focus more on the vocab tonight.
I'm pretty tired. I have been for a long time. I think it's mostly because of school. I guess I'm not getting a good enough sleep at night, or something. Who knows.
Ok, this is getting to be a really long post, and I think I'm pretty much out of things to say. Except that my room is really messy. Anyway, yeah. That's it.
Have a great night.
Basically, I'm writing this for myself. It's just a long explaination of my day, and you really don't need to read it. It'll be boring. And pretty stupid. So feel free to stop reading at any time.
Today was an interesting day. It was Blackout Day for Spirit Week, so I dressed up. Of course. ;) I always dress up. But today was probably my favorite day. I wore my black lounge pants with grey leggings underneath, and a black t-shirt that says "My bishop rocks," and my black flip flops. I was comfy all day long. :D I love it. I was kind of late leaving the house because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to wear. I still managed to make it to school on time, though. So that's good. Today was an A day, which means first period spanish, second period adult roles, lunch, third period history, fourth period social dance.
First period was alright. We did what we always do: Nothing. He explained conjugating verbs. I'm sorry, but if someone in my class doesn't know how to conjugate a verb, they're screwed. Because, even though I'm in spanish 1, we learned that at the VERY beginning of the year. And here we are in 4th term, and he's explaining it again. My spanish class is full of idiots.
Second period wasn't too exciting, either. We did a cross word, which took a surprisingly long time, and she gave us 2 other worksheets that I didn't get to finish. One is on budgeting (ugh) and the other on marriage. They're due next time, so I'll have to finish them this weekend sometime.
Lunch was pretty good. Alan and I had cooler ranch doritos and blue ice gatorade. Lunch of champions. All of the really healthy olympians? Yeah, they totally have cooler ranch doritos and blue ice gatorade for lunch everyday. I so know it.
Third period was... well, we had a DBQ today, and I wanted to scratch out my eyes. I did a horrible job. We'll leave it at that.
Fourth was actually pretty good. We've been working out the kinks on our cha cha performance. I think it's going to be really fun. I don't know if it will look good, but it will be fun. And that's all that's important. Plus, when we weren't dancing, we played Skum. Now that's a fun card game! :D
After school was when everything kind of... collapsed. Today was the auditions for concert choir. Now, everyone is going to think I'm a baby, and it's kind of weird considering how outgoing I am most of the time, but I'm not a performer. I don't like auditions, I don't like performing by myself, I don't like that kind of thing. It scares me to death. I wasn't too scared for the auditions, because Katie was going to audition with me, and it was going to be ok. But then Katie told me she wasn't auditioning. She didn't want to be in the choir. I had been nervous all day, and Alan had sort of been teasing me about it. He's so confident in performing, I don't think he realised how much it scared me. Anyway, I was in the cafeiteria after school, like I always am, when Katie called me and told me that she wasn't auditioning. I told her it was alright, and then I booked it out of the room. I knew that i was this [] close to a meltdown, and I didn't want everyone to see me cry. I'm such a baby! ;) So I went to b hall, which is where I knew Alan would be. If I saw him, that would be great. But I didn't want to spend a lot of time looking for him because I didn't want anyone to see me cry. So then Jamie stopped me in the hall "Are you ok?" Then I lost it. I started crying, and I explained everything to her. She consoled me, and talked to me, and comforted me. I think Austin might have gone to get Alan, or something. Because not long after Austin walked away, Alan walked up behind me. "Courtney Courtney Courtney!" I turned to him and started crying harder. "Court, what's wrong? Come on, let's go on a walk." So we walked, and I explained it all to him. He told me it was ok. He was going to help me, he would go into the auditions with me and it would be alright. He told me to go home and get my permission slip, and then come back and find him. So that's what I did. I was still sobbing when I got home. Truthfully, I don't know how I drove myself home. I was crying the whole way. I know, I know. It's rediculous. And I feel pretty stupid about it all now. But it's been a hard month, and I've been stressed out for a lot of things lately. This was just the icing on the cake.
So I came home. I talked to my mom. I drank a lot of water, cuz crying really isn't good right before you sing. I washed my face, brushed my hair. You know, the basic girl feel-good things.
Then I ventured back to school. I was walking into the building when Kortney showed up. She knew that I had auditions soon, and she knew how scared I was. Unlike Alan, she understood from the very beginning. We walked to the band room together, and on the way I called Alan. Alan felt really bad, but he couldn't come because he was helping with the play, and they were right in the midddle of a run-through. He wasn't allowed to leave the theater. If Kortney hadn't been there, I would have freaked out all over again. But I told Alan that I would be ok. ("Are you sure?" "No.") And I told him that I'd call him when I was finished with everything. Kortney played the song for me, as I practiced over and over again. Finally it was my turn. Kortney came in with me, and was my moral support. T talked to me a bit about choir, and why I hadn't been in it before ("Cuz I've never really thought that I could sing very well.") then she had me sing the melody. After, she told me that I should have started choir years before. She told me that my voice is very nice, it just needs a little training. Then she had me sing some scales. Kortney said that T had put me with the sopranos, and that she was trying to figure out my range. Alan told me that T had meant what she said about my voice. Huh. Well that wasn't nearly as painful as I had thought it was going to be. But Kim says that now I HAVE to try out for the musical, because now I'm "over" my fear of auditioning. NOT TRUE!! I'm still gonna be afraid. And I only have 2 weeks to figure out which song to sing, and to learn it. Uh oh. Just what I need. More stress.
I know this is a stupid post, but it feels good to get it all out. So I'm gonna keep going.
Molly and I have all but 2 lines of our song for the seminary talent show learned in sign language. Now I just have to get Alan to mix the music for me. Maybe I'll see if he can mix it for me this weekend. If he has any time. I hope he will, because the talent show is on Thursday, and we need to practice with the music.
I have a bunch of stuff going on tomorrow. I have a vocab test with over 100 words, I have 2 math assignments that I need to turn in, and I need to pass off at least 2 songs so I'm not failing guitar at midterm. The most important is the vocab test. I can always turn in the math late, he doens't take points off. And my mom says it's ok if I fail guitar at midterm, because she knows I can bring up the grade easily. So I need to focus more on the vocab tonight.
I'm pretty tired. I have been for a long time. I think it's mostly because of school. I guess I'm not getting a good enough sleep at night, or something. Who knows.
Ok, this is getting to be a really long post, and I think I'm pretty much out of things to say. Except that my room is really messy. Anyway, yeah. That's it.
Have a great night.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Montana Cowboy
I got a kick out of this. Hope you all like it.
A cowboy at a bar in Great Falls, Montana, orders three mugs of beer and
sits in the back room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn.
When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders three more.
The bartender tells him, "You know, a mug goes flat after I draw it. It
would taste better if you bought one at a time."
The cowboy replies, "I know, but that's O.K . I have two brothers, one in
Billings , the other in Helena . I'm in Great Falls . When we left
we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank
together. I drink one for each of my brothers and one for myself."
The bartender says, "I think that is a nice custom."
The cowboy becomes a regular, and always orders three mugs and drinks
them in turn. One day he comes in and orders only two mugs.
All the regulars take notice and fall silent. When he comes back to the
bar for the second round, the bartender says, "We don't want to intrude
on your grief, but we want to offer our condolences on your loss."
The cowboy looks quite puzzled for a moment, then a light dawns and he
laughs. "Oh, no, everybody's fine," he explains. "It's just that my wife
and I joined the Mormon church and I had to quit drinking. Hasn't
affected my brothers, though."
Giggle giggle.
In other news, I learned how to laugh in sign language today. I would show you, but yeah.... ;)
Have a great day!
A cowboy at a bar in Great Falls, Montana, orders three mugs of beer and
sits in the back room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn.
When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders three more.
The bartender tells him, "You know, a mug goes flat after I draw it. It
would taste better if you bought one at a time."
The cowboy replies, "I know, but that's O.K . I have two brothers, one in
Billings , the other in Helena . I'm in Great Falls . When we left
we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank
together. I drink one for each of my brothers and one for myself."
The bartender says, "I think that is a nice custom."
The cowboy becomes a regular, and always orders three mugs and drinks
them in turn. One day he comes in and orders only two mugs.
All the regulars take notice and fall silent. When he comes back to the
bar for the second round, the bartender says, "We don't want to intrude
on your grief, but we want to offer our condolences on your loss."
The cowboy looks quite puzzled for a moment, then a light dawns and he
laughs. "Oh, no, everybody's fine," he explains. "It's just that my wife
and I joined the Mormon church and I had to quit drinking. Hasn't
affected my brothers, though."
Giggle giggle.
In other news, I learned how to laugh in sign language today. I would show you, but yeah.... ;)
Have a great day!
Friday, April 13, 2007
The Fab Five
Alright, Jaron did this, and as we all know, I'm an idea thief. ;) lol. Anyway, I really would like to do a Fab Five. I'm going to talk about five great things that happened today. I'm going to try to do this quite often. Maybe once a week or something. I think it will help me to focus more on the positive, and maybe it will help you, too. Who knows. ;)
Ok, here's today's Fab Five!
Flippin' Five: It's Friday!!! What more could I ask for?! lol. Weekends rock. It would rock even more if I didn't have the ACT tomorrow, but hey, Prom should be great, right? ;)
Fantastic Four: No Terms test in English!!! We were supposed to have a test on terms for the AP test in English today. But guess who got us out of it? That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The Amazing Corky got our entire AP English class out of the terms test. Go me! ;) Not to sound cocky or anything. ;)
Terrific Three: I got a 94% on my math test today. :D I guessed on 4 of the problems, and managed to get 3 of them right! Talk about a blessing. :) I missed 2 problems. One that I had thought I would get right, and one that I had guessed on. That totally helped my day today. I was kind of worried about that test.
Tremendous Two: Seminary Ice Cream Social!! Oh man, I love ice cream! And I love seminary. So when the two combine, great things happen! Like an ice cream social. ;)Lots of friends, lots of fun, lots of ice cream. :D And the weather was nice, so we had it outside. What can be better than that? Oh man, I love strawberry ice cream. :D
And, drum roll please...
Overwhelming One: Molly and I decided to be in the seminary talent show. Oh my goodness, it's going to be AMAZING!! We decided to learn sign language to some songs that everyone will know. We're thinking Britney Spears, Natasha Beddingfield, *NSync, and more. :P Oh my heck, it's going to be good. :D So, everyone sluff their 1B class, and come and watch Molly and me in a seminary talent show that will totally rock your socks. ;)
And that is todays Fab Five. Thanks for reading. ;) lol. I'm a geekwad, it's true. :D
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ok, here's today's Fab Five!
Flippin' Five: It's Friday!!! What more could I ask for?! lol. Weekends rock. It would rock even more if I didn't have the ACT tomorrow, but hey, Prom should be great, right? ;)
Fantastic Four: No Terms test in English!!! We were supposed to have a test on terms for the AP test in English today. But guess who got us out of it? That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The Amazing Corky got our entire AP English class out of the terms test. Go me! ;) Not to sound cocky or anything. ;)
Terrific Three: I got a 94% on my math test today. :D I guessed on 4 of the problems, and managed to get 3 of them right! Talk about a blessing. :) I missed 2 problems. One that I had thought I would get right, and one that I had guessed on. That totally helped my day today. I was kind of worried about that test.
Tremendous Two: Seminary Ice Cream Social!! Oh man, I love ice cream! And I love seminary. So when the two combine, great things happen! Like an ice cream social. ;)Lots of friends, lots of fun, lots of ice cream. :D And the weather was nice, so we had it outside. What can be better than that? Oh man, I love strawberry ice cream. :D
And, drum roll please...
Overwhelming One: Molly and I decided to be in the seminary talent show. Oh my goodness, it's going to be AMAZING!! We decided to learn sign language to some songs that everyone will know. We're thinking Britney Spears, Natasha Beddingfield, *NSync, and more. :P Oh my heck, it's going to be good. :D So, everyone sluff their 1B class, and come and watch Molly and me in a seminary talent show that will totally rock your socks. ;)
And that is todays Fab Five. Thanks for reading. ;) lol. I'm a geekwad, it's true. :D
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Brierly Ashour, “Rain in April,” Friend, Apr 1979, inside back cover
I like the sound of April rain
When skies are gray and clouds hang low.
Rain warms the brown and frozen earth
And helps the sleeping flowers grow.
At night I hear the sound of rain
And think how thirsty plants must be,
All shut up tight inside the ground
Awaiting spring to set them free.
Sandra A. Metcalf-Moore, “Rain Is Fun,” Friend, Apr 1985, inside back cover
Rain is fun
As it splashes and sploshes.
I like to skitter in it
With my old galoshes.
I like it when raindrops
Pounce on my head
And trickle and dribble
And chill my nose red.
I like it when the wispy wind
Joins in the spree
And tousles my hair
As I frolic—whoopee!
Dora Faye Redman, “Rain Puddles,” Friend, Jun 1986, 27
Rain puddles hold
dark clouds,
a bit of blue,
a shimmer of sun,
green treetops,
flower faces—
And me!
Sandra Liatsos, “Spring Rain,” Friend, Apr 1981, 39
I like to stand
In silver rain
And catch the shining
Droplets flung
Like a flood
Of falling stars,
Cool and tingling
On my tongue.
Nothing more to say. I love rain. I'm crazy. And random. It's true.
Shh... listen.
I like the sound of April rain
When skies are gray and clouds hang low.
Rain warms the brown and frozen earth
And helps the sleeping flowers grow.
At night I hear the sound of rain
And think how thirsty plants must be,
All shut up tight inside the ground
Awaiting spring to set them free.
Sandra A. Metcalf-Moore, “Rain Is Fun,” Friend, Apr 1985, inside back cover
Rain is fun
As it splashes and sploshes.
I like to skitter in it
With my old galoshes.
I like it when raindrops
Pounce on my head
And trickle and dribble
And chill my nose red.
I like it when the wispy wind
Joins in the spree
And tousles my hair
As I frolic—whoopee!
Dora Faye Redman, “Rain Puddles,” Friend, Jun 1986, 27
Rain puddles hold
dark clouds,
a bit of blue,
a shimmer of sun,
green treetops,
flower faces—
And me!
Sandra Liatsos, “Spring Rain,” Friend, Apr 1981, 39
I like to stand
In silver rain
And catch the shining
Droplets flung
Like a flood
Of falling stars,
Cool and tingling
On my tongue.
Nothing more to say. I love rain. I'm crazy. And random. It's true.
Shh... listen.
Friday, April 06, 2007
I <3 Spring Break!
It's already day 2 of spring break 2007, and I'm lovin' it! :D
Yesterday was awesome. I went to Meet the Robinsons in 3D with Kim, Alan, and Jo. Then we went to the mall and just messed around. We walked around wearing our 3D glasses. That was fun. :D We messed around with all the cool massage-y things in Brookstone, and wandered around Bath and Body works. We had lunch at Chick-fil-A, where Blythe was working. After we got sick of the mall, we went to Arctic Circle for ice cream. Next time, we're sticking to Wendys. The ice cream is good, but the service sucked. After eating ice cream (yummy) we went to this cool Japanese store and looked around. I love Japanese stuff. I didn't buy anything, but I totally could have bought half of the store, it's that cool. :D But I don't think it would all fit onto my shelf with all of my Japanese dolls and stuff.
Anyway, I finally ended up getting home, where I crashed for about an hour. I have no excuse. Other than I was really sleepy. :D Sleep deprivation is finally taking it's toll. ;) I woke up in time for dinner. After dinner, I went to a party at Katie's house. Oh my goodness. SO much fun. There was a guitar hero competition going on. Ping pong, dodge ball with tennis balls (until they all went over the fence), not to mention most of my friends, and some good music. I spent a lot of time with Trevor, because I haven't seen him in FOREVER. He takes classes on the internet now, so he doesn't go to Taylorsville anymore. I miss him!!! We had so much fun. Speedbump. :D
So I got home around 11. Talked to my parents for a few minutes, logged on for just enough time to check my email, and then headed to bed.
Now I'm up and showered and almost completely ready for the day. My mom is taking my sisters and me shopping for Easter outfits. I'm pretty excited to get a new skirt. And maybe new shoes. :D I'm such a girl. :D
Today at about 2:30 we're heading up to Logan. And I am sooo excited!! An aunt and uncle that I haven't seen in a LONG time are going to be there. I'm spending the night at James' house, which means we'll watch a movie, and then I'll watch him play video games until I fall asleep at around 2 (if I manage to stay up that long!). I'm pretty psyched. I'll be home tomorrow night sometime.
Oh man, I <3 spring break!
Yesterday was awesome. I went to Meet the Robinsons in 3D with Kim, Alan, and Jo. Then we went to the mall and just messed around. We walked around wearing our 3D glasses. That was fun. :D We messed around with all the cool massage-y things in Brookstone, and wandered around Bath and Body works. We had lunch at Chick-fil-A, where Blythe was working. After we got sick of the mall, we went to Arctic Circle for ice cream. Next time, we're sticking to Wendys. The ice cream is good, but the service sucked. After eating ice cream (yummy) we went to this cool Japanese store and looked around. I love Japanese stuff. I didn't buy anything, but I totally could have bought half of the store, it's that cool. :D But I don't think it would all fit onto my shelf with all of my Japanese dolls and stuff.
Anyway, I finally ended up getting home, where I crashed for about an hour. I have no excuse. Other than I was really sleepy. :D Sleep deprivation is finally taking it's toll. ;) I woke up in time for dinner. After dinner, I went to a party at Katie's house. Oh my goodness. SO much fun. There was a guitar hero competition going on. Ping pong, dodge ball with tennis balls (until they all went over the fence), not to mention most of my friends, and some good music. I spent a lot of time with Trevor, because I haven't seen him in FOREVER. He takes classes on the internet now, so he doesn't go to Taylorsville anymore. I miss him!!! We had so much fun. Speedbump. :D
So I got home around 11. Talked to my parents for a few minutes, logged on for just enough time to check my email, and then headed to bed.
Now I'm up and showered and almost completely ready for the day. My mom is taking my sisters and me shopping for Easter outfits. I'm pretty excited to get a new skirt. And maybe new shoes. :D I'm such a girl. :D
Today at about 2:30 we're heading up to Logan. And I am sooo excited!! An aunt and uncle that I haven't seen in a LONG time are going to be there. I'm spending the night at James' house, which means we'll watch a movie, and then I'll watch him play video games until I fall asleep at around 2 (if I manage to stay up that long!). I'm pretty psyched. I'll be home tomorrow night sometime.
Oh man, I <3 spring break!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Something To Think On.
I don't know if Jaron reads my blog anymore, and honestly I don't care if he is. If he is reading it... well, maybe that's a good thing. I still read his blog, and that might be a good thing, or it might be a bad thing. The thing is, no matter how angry he makes me, no matter how hurt I feel, no matter what happens, I still love the kid to death. And I miss him. When he's sad, I'm sad. When he's happy, well, I get mixed feelings. Sometimes I get angry. Because he's happy without me. Sometimes it makes me really happy, just because he's happy. But when I see him hurting... when I see him feeling like he's all alone... well, it makes me want to comfort him. It makes me want to be there for him, to let him cry on my shoulder, to help him through whatever he's going through. My dad... well, he said something last night that made me think. And it made me feel horrible. He told me that I have to decide between having a lot of friends, and having a best friend. He said that when you have a best friend, it might mean spending every waking minute together. It might mean feeling clingy, or getting over things that anger you. Being a best friend means putting everything aside and caring for that person before you care for yourself. And if that's what being a best friend means, I guess I wasn't a very good friend. There were times where I wanted to spend time with other people, and so I did. I thought I was doing the best I could, but I could have done better. And I truly am sorry for that. I know I was wrong. I know I did some things that might not be rude, or mean, but things that a best friend wouldn't do. I wish I had the chance to be the best best friend. I wish I could show Jaron how much I care for him. I wish I had one more chance to be that friend. I wish I could make him feel better...
yeah, that's how I feel.
yeah, that's how I feel.
Monday, April 02, 2007
One Sleepy Corky
I was gonna wake up at 5 to finish some homework. Yeah, didn't happen. I was gonna wake up at 6 to get ready for school. Yeah, didn't happen. My mom came in at about 15 after to pull me out of bed. I don't wanna wake up... Sleepy Corky... I have 2 of my harder classes to go to today: english and pre calc. But I start off with seminary and end with guitar, so that should be ok. I don't know how I'm going to be able to stay awake all day... lol. It's a b day, so Alan, Kim, and I will probably be going to lunch. Wendy's probably.
Wow, I've gotten horribly predictable. Sad, isn't it? After school I'll go to Big Brother/Big Sister, come home at 3:15ish, get online for awhile. Have dinner, start homework, get online. Go to bed, wake up tomorrow and do almost the very same thing all over again. That's depressing. Maybe I need to do something spontaneous this week. But not today. I'm too tired...
Lol. I should be getting ready for school right now. But I'm not. As usual... lol. Maybe I'll sleep in math... I never understand anyway, so why should it make a difference? Cody sleeps in math... lol. Can you all tell I'm way out of it? Maybe I need some sugar. Or some caffeine. :D lol. Have you ever seen me on caffeine? Even just a sip sends me off the wall. It's fun! Hm...
Anyway, I better keep getting ready for my sad, predictable day.
I'll let you know if anything exciting happens.
Ha. Ha.
Wow, I've gotten horribly predictable. Sad, isn't it? After school I'll go to Big Brother/Big Sister, come home at 3:15ish, get online for awhile. Have dinner, start homework, get online. Go to bed, wake up tomorrow and do almost the very same thing all over again. That's depressing. Maybe I need to do something spontaneous this week. But not today. I'm too tired...
Lol. I should be getting ready for school right now. But I'm not. As usual... lol. Maybe I'll sleep in math... I never understand anyway, so why should it make a difference? Cody sleeps in math... lol. Can you all tell I'm way out of it? Maybe I need some sugar. Or some caffeine. :D lol. Have you ever seen me on caffeine? Even just a sip sends me off the wall. It's fun! Hm...
Anyway, I better keep getting ready for my sad, predictable day.
I'll let you know if anything exciting happens.
Ha. Ha.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
One of My Favorite Weekends
Conference!!! I love it!!
Ok, guys. Here's my favorite quote from the Morning Session:
-Orson F. Whitney
Pres. Monson quoted this song, and I loved it!
Elder Holland gave a wonderful talk on words. He gave a maxim for living:
So there are a few of my favorite moments of this mornings General Conference. :D
Stay tuned for the afternoon conference session!
Ok, guys. Here's my favorite quote from the Morning Session:
The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmers, complains, and is slow to yield to obediance.
-Orson F. Whitney
Pres. Monson quoted this song, and I loved it!
On a beautiful day that I dream about
In a world I would love to see
In a beautiful place where the sun comes out
And it shines in the sky for me
On this beautiful winters morning
If my wish would come true, somehow
Then the beautiful day that I dream about
Would be here, and now.
Elder Holland gave a wonderful talk on words. He gave a maxim for living:
No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse.
So there are a few of my favorite moments of this mornings General Conference. :D
Stay tuned for the afternoon conference session!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Good News/Bad News
The good news is it rained today. The bad news is it's supposed to be snow by morning.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Hey Look! It's Me!
Hey everyone! I'm home! And very glad to be home, actually. It was nice to get away, but home is always the best, right? In fact, I think that's why people take vacations: To remind them how great home actually is. The past few weeks have been rough, I'm not gonna lie. It was very nice to get away for awhile, and not have to worry about things. But even tho it was good to get away, it's time for me to get back to everything and everyone.
California was amazing. I managed to steal the window seat from my sister on the way there. I am so glad that I did! There's just something about being able to look down on clouds... They looked like huge cotton balls. Some of them were wispy and bare looking. Others were thick and full and looked like they might bounce if you touched them. The sky was miraculously blue, and the sun was bright. What a great way to start a vacation!! When we came in to land, it seemed that no matter how close we got to the clouds, we would never be close enough to touch them. And then suddenly we were engulfed, and I couldn't see anything but white out the window. I love flying. :D After we were through the clouds, it was a total contrast. Everything before had been completely natural. Nothing that beautiful could be man made. And then suddenly there were buildings and roads and cars, it was another kind of beautiful. A different kind. But I have to say... I was staring out over everything, and suddenly there was the ocean. Glinting and shimmering in the sunlight, it took my breath away. The waves were crashing in onto the sand. And I was practically having trouble breathing because I was so excited! And then we turned. I craned my neck, and twisted to keep it in sight, but eventually it disappeared. This only made me more excited to go to the beach!
I'm not going to talk a lot about Disneyland, cuz it's nothing new to me. Space mountain is probably my favorite ride. I was able to spend a lot of time with my younger sister; we're already close and this trip it was a ton of fun to spend so much time together. It was great to forget about everything that I had been worrying and stressing so much about.
On Thursday we went to the beach! My mom and sisters stayed at Disneyland, they didn't want to go. But my aunt and uncle, cousins, my dad, and I all went to the beach. I didn't get to spend enough time there! The sand was soft and warm between my toes. The water was freezing! But I didn't mind. I waded in so that the waves reached my knees when they came in. I loved watching the sea foam linger on the beach and on my toes. I walked up and down the beach, leaving footprints in the sand. There were two surfers out in the waves. The beach was calm, and secluded, and wonderful. The weather was perfect. Just cloudy enough to keep the sun off of us, and warm enough to truly enjoy the beach. I wrote my name in the sand with my toes. I made sure to write it close enough to the waters so that when the next wave came in, it was washed away. The sand was covered in shells, but as we had been climbing down to the beach, there had been a sign that had said absolutely no taking anything off the beach. My dad told me no, but whatever. I was on the beach, and I was taking part of it home with me. So as I danced away from my dad through the sand, I watched him. As soon as his back was turned, I'd grab a shell and sneak it into my pocked. I came home with both pockets full of shells. :D All too soon, it was time to leave. I was covered in sand and pretty wet. The bite and sting of the salt water and air covered my skin. I could smell the salt in the air. I love the ocean. Just as we were leaving, I looked up into the sky just in time to have a raindrop land on my face. Can you say Heaven?
The rest of the trip was just as normal. My dad and I were thuroughly sick of Disneyland the day before we left. Just like always. My feet felt like they were gonna fall off, my shins hurt from the climb down to the beach, and my family drove me up the wall. But what's a family vacation without a little complaining, right?
Finally it was time to come home. I was really excited. I managed to weasel the window seat again, although it's harder to see things when you're flying home in the dark. The only times I was able to see anything was during take off and landing. I could see the lights of the cities, the lights of the cars, and that was just as beautiful to me as flying during the day time would have been. All the little lights reminded me of stars in the sky.
And now I'm home. And I'm very excited to be here. It's great to be back, and I think I'm ready to face things. I think my trip to California helped to motivate me. I'm going to work harder this term, and play less. I'm going to do what I need to do and do it well. I'm going to be nicer to my family, I'm going to be nicer to my friends. I'm going to love life. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to keep my room clean, and I'm going to stop procrastinating. And If you believed that last sentence, you don't know me at all. What I should have said is, I'm going to try to keep my room a bit cleaner, and I'm going to try to procrastinate less. ;) But one thing that I am going to do is face things. I'm going to step up to the plate, I'm going to get thigns done. And I will come off victorious. ;)
One of the things I need to face is... well, Jaron and I are done. It hurts to say this. He was my best friend. But there's been too much heartbreak. I've cried too many tears. And I'm done. It's been hard to talk about. It's been hard to think about. I never imagined things would go so wrong, and it would be a lie to say I knew it would come down to this. A lot of things have happened, but I'm starting to heal. I can listen to Dashboard now, even the song Hands Down. That was our song. That's what we would sing (more like scream) along with in the car, laughing the entire time. I can look back without anger. And that's a big step for me. It still hurts sometimes. But even that will eventually fade. So Jaron, if you're reading this (and even if you're not), thank you. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for the laughs and the smiles and the times we sat in silence, just... content. I will always treasure those memories. I will never forget them. I'm sad that it didn't work out the way I thought it would. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you and I'm sorry for the mean things I might have said. I wouldn't trade the time that we spent together for anything. You were truly my best friend, and I loved you more than you'll ever know. But now we both know that it's time to move on. It will be better for both of us. And all I ever wanted is the best for you. So, Jaron, good luck with whatever is ahead for you. I wish you only the best. With all the love in the world, Courtney.
I guess when I chose my title today, I was thinking more along the lines of "I'm home." But I guess what it turned out to mean is... I'm back. I'm happy. I'm going to take care of things, I'm going to work things out. And I'm going to stop worrying. I worry too much. What I look like, what others think of me, what I act like... I've always said that I love being me, and I guess for awhile my confidence to be me was shot. But it's back. I'm back. Hey look! It's me!
California was amazing. I managed to steal the window seat from my sister on the way there. I am so glad that I did! There's just something about being able to look down on clouds... They looked like huge cotton balls. Some of them were wispy and bare looking. Others were thick and full and looked like they might bounce if you touched them. The sky was miraculously blue, and the sun was bright. What a great way to start a vacation!! When we came in to land, it seemed that no matter how close we got to the clouds, we would never be close enough to touch them. And then suddenly we were engulfed, and I couldn't see anything but white out the window. I love flying. :D After we were through the clouds, it was a total contrast. Everything before had been completely natural. Nothing that beautiful could be man made. And then suddenly there were buildings and roads and cars, it was another kind of beautiful. A different kind. But I have to say... I was staring out over everything, and suddenly there was the ocean. Glinting and shimmering in the sunlight, it took my breath away. The waves were crashing in onto the sand. And I was practically having trouble breathing because I was so excited! And then we turned. I craned my neck, and twisted to keep it in sight, but eventually it disappeared. This only made me more excited to go to the beach!
I'm not going to talk a lot about Disneyland, cuz it's nothing new to me. Space mountain is probably my favorite ride. I was able to spend a lot of time with my younger sister; we're already close and this trip it was a ton of fun to spend so much time together. It was great to forget about everything that I had been worrying and stressing so much about.
On Thursday we went to the beach! My mom and sisters stayed at Disneyland, they didn't want to go. But my aunt and uncle, cousins, my dad, and I all went to the beach. I didn't get to spend enough time there! The sand was soft and warm between my toes. The water was freezing! But I didn't mind. I waded in so that the waves reached my knees when they came in. I loved watching the sea foam linger on the beach and on my toes. I walked up and down the beach, leaving footprints in the sand. There were two surfers out in the waves. The beach was calm, and secluded, and wonderful. The weather was perfect. Just cloudy enough to keep the sun off of us, and warm enough to truly enjoy the beach. I wrote my name in the sand with my toes. I made sure to write it close enough to the waters so that when the next wave came in, it was washed away. The sand was covered in shells, but as we had been climbing down to the beach, there had been a sign that had said absolutely no taking anything off the beach. My dad told me no, but whatever. I was on the beach, and I was taking part of it home with me. So as I danced away from my dad through the sand, I watched him. As soon as his back was turned, I'd grab a shell and sneak it into my pocked. I came home with both pockets full of shells. :D All too soon, it was time to leave. I was covered in sand and pretty wet. The bite and sting of the salt water and air covered my skin. I could smell the salt in the air. I love the ocean. Just as we were leaving, I looked up into the sky just in time to have a raindrop land on my face. Can you say Heaven?
The rest of the trip was just as normal. My dad and I were thuroughly sick of Disneyland the day before we left. Just like always. My feet felt like they were gonna fall off, my shins hurt from the climb down to the beach, and my family drove me up the wall. But what's a family vacation without a little complaining, right?
Finally it was time to come home. I was really excited. I managed to weasel the window seat again, although it's harder to see things when you're flying home in the dark. The only times I was able to see anything was during take off and landing. I could see the lights of the cities, the lights of the cars, and that was just as beautiful to me as flying during the day time would have been. All the little lights reminded me of stars in the sky.
And now I'm home. And I'm very excited to be here. It's great to be back, and I think I'm ready to face things. I think my trip to California helped to motivate me. I'm going to work harder this term, and play less. I'm going to do what I need to do and do it well. I'm going to be nicer to my family, I'm going to be nicer to my friends. I'm going to love life. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to keep my room clean, and I'm going to stop procrastinating. And If you believed that last sentence, you don't know me at all. What I should have said is, I'm going to try to keep my room a bit cleaner, and I'm going to try to procrastinate less. ;) But one thing that I am going to do is face things. I'm going to step up to the plate, I'm going to get thigns done. And I will come off victorious. ;)
One of the things I need to face is... well, Jaron and I are done. It hurts to say this. He was my best friend. But there's been too much heartbreak. I've cried too many tears. And I'm done. It's been hard to talk about. It's been hard to think about. I never imagined things would go so wrong, and it would be a lie to say I knew it would come down to this. A lot of things have happened, but I'm starting to heal. I can listen to Dashboard now, even the song Hands Down. That was our song. That's what we would sing (more like scream) along with in the car, laughing the entire time. I can look back without anger. And that's a big step for me. It still hurts sometimes. But even that will eventually fade. So Jaron, if you're reading this (and even if you're not), thank you. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for the laughs and the smiles and the times we sat in silence, just... content. I will always treasure those memories. I will never forget them. I'm sad that it didn't work out the way I thought it would. I'm sorry if I ever hurt you and I'm sorry for the mean things I might have said. I wouldn't trade the time that we spent together for anything. You were truly my best friend, and I loved you more than you'll ever know. But now we both know that it's time to move on. It will be better for both of us. And all I ever wanted is the best for you. So, Jaron, good luck with whatever is ahead for you. I wish you only the best. With all the love in the world, Courtney.
I guess when I chose my title today, I was thinking more along the lines of "I'm home." But I guess what it turned out to mean is... I'm back. I'm happy. I'm going to take care of things, I'm going to work things out. And I'm going to stop worrying. I worry too much. What I look like, what others think of me, what I act like... I've always said that I love being me, and I guess for awhile my confidence to be me was shot. But it's back. I'm back. Hey look! It's me!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"You don't wear makeup?!"
Oh wow. What a day. Not exactly the greatest. Although I did get some laughs, so it wasn't all bad. Lunch pretty much sucked, and so did the beginning of guitar, but then Jared got me laughing, so it was all good. :D
I told Jared that he should pass off my songs for my in guitar (I had to pass off two today). He told me that he'd need a wig, we'd have to change clothes, and he'd need some makeup. I told him "I don't wear makeup..." Oh man, I just had to laugh! You should have seen his face! It was classic! I loved it. He was like "What?! I totally thought that you wear makeup. You look like you do, that's why I said that..." It was great. I really don't wear makeup, I wasn't just saying that.... alright, so maybe you just had to be there. :D Or maybe you just had to be me. :D
I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow! Look out Cali, here I come! ;)
Oh wow, I'm really behind in work. Still. And I'm no where near done packing. And I have to get up at like 4 tomorrow to finish. Oh boy.
Annnyway, I thought I'd post one more time before I leave. Have a wonderful week, everyone! I get back Saturday night!
I told Jared that he should pass off my songs for my in guitar (I had to pass off two today). He told me that he'd need a wig, we'd have to change clothes, and he'd need some makeup. I told him "I don't wear makeup..." Oh man, I just had to laugh! You should have seen his face! It was classic! I loved it. He was like "What?! I totally thought that you wear makeup. You look like you do, that's why I said that..." It was great. I really don't wear makeup, I wasn't just saying that.... alright, so maybe you just had to be there. :D Or maybe you just had to be me. :D
I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow! Look out Cali, here I come! ;)
Oh wow, I'm really behind in work. Still. And I'm no where near done packing. And I have to get up at like 4 tomorrow to finish. Oh boy.
Annnyway, I thought I'd post one more time before I leave. Have a wonderful week, everyone! I get back Saturday night!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sing a Song
I am in a really good mood! Despite the fact that I should be doing homework right now. For some reason, I'm just really happy, and I don't know why! I love feeling like this. :D I'm totally singing along to my stereo and stuff. It's good time.
The bad news is, it's end of term and I feel terribly behind. :( That's ok. I'm going to catch up. I know it! I have to! But I'm feeling really optimistic, it's going to be very good.
I am very much a daddy's girl. Tonight I got to go to dinner with my dad, and it was just us two. We haven't been able to do something like that in a long time, and it was really fun. Hopefully we'll get to do it again soon.
I really love how light it is outside. Totally makes me happy.
Tomorrow is Friday! Who loves weekends? Me! Me! :D Region dance Saturday! All the cool kids will be there. :D I'm so going. ;) It's gonna be good.
Oh man, sorry for the hyper randomness. :D
I'm going to Disneyland next week. I'm pretty excited! People make fun of me for saying this, but I haven't been since July. My mom is a total disney geek. I actually don't mind it. Disneyland is fun. I love the rides. And I can totally scope out the hot Californian guys. ;) lol. jk.
Alright, well I'm gonna get some homework done. This post was fairly pointless, but I had fun with it. :D
Talk to you later!
The bad news is, it's end of term and I feel terribly behind. :( That's ok. I'm going to catch up. I know it! I have to! But I'm feeling really optimistic, it's going to be very good.
I am very much a daddy's girl. Tonight I got to go to dinner with my dad, and it was just us two. We haven't been able to do something like that in a long time, and it was really fun. Hopefully we'll get to do it again soon.
I really love how light it is outside. Totally makes me happy.
Tomorrow is Friday! Who loves weekends? Me! Me! :D Region dance Saturday! All the cool kids will be there. :D I'm so going. ;) It's gonna be good.
Oh man, sorry for the hyper randomness. :D
I'm going to Disneyland next week. I'm pretty excited! People make fun of me for saying this, but I haven't been since July. My mom is a total disney geek. I actually don't mind it. Disneyland is fun. I love the rides. And I can totally scope out the hot Californian guys. ;) lol. jk.
Alright, well I'm gonna get some homework done. This post was fairly pointless, but I had fun with it. :D
Talk to you later!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, which most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be wonderful, talented, gorgeous, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest God's glory within us. It is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we automatically give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence liberates others.
My dad gave me a copy of this quote. I'm not sure who said it, but it's amazing. And it's true!
There's the thought for the day! ;)
I'm out.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Happy Day
Good morning everyone. I just woke up! Stake Conference is today, and it's really going to be a great day! I'm very happy and very optimistic this morning. :D
Nathan asked me to Prom this week. I'm pretty excited. It's going to be really fun! And I already know how I'm gonna answer him. I figured it out on Friday night. I was just messing with him earlier when I told him it was gonna be bad. ;) But now that I actually know what I'm doing... oh man, it's gonna be classic. :D I would tell you what I'm doing, but since Nathan is one of the like... 3 people who read my blog, I'll wait until he posts about it. :D
I love boys choice dances. There's SO much less work for me. :D
Oh! I got my sweethearts pics from my uncle finally. I might post one of them. I really really like them! I think they turned out really well considering how dark it was.
Well, I have to leave for church in about an hour, so I should probably start getting ready now. :D Have a great day, everyone!
Nathan asked me to Prom this week. I'm pretty excited. It's going to be really fun! And I already know how I'm gonna answer him. I figured it out on Friday night. I was just messing with him earlier when I told him it was gonna be bad. ;) But now that I actually know what I'm doing... oh man, it's gonna be classic. :D I would tell you what I'm doing, but since Nathan is one of the like... 3 people who read my blog, I'll wait until he posts about it. :D
I love boys choice dances. There's SO much less work for me. :D
Oh! I got my sweethearts pics from my uncle finally. I might post one of them. I really really like them! I think they turned out really well considering how dark it was.
Well, I have to leave for church in about an hour, so I should probably start getting ready now. :D Have a great day, everyone!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
"She's Everything" -Brad Paisley
She's a yellow pair of running shoes
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody
She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me
She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy
She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing
[Repeat chorus]
She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me
Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Alright, this song is cute! I love it! It's country, so I know a few people won't like it. But you have to admit, the lyrics are good. :D Oh man, I love music! This is seriously good stuff. I love getting itunes gift cards for my b-day. :D
Anyway, I better run. You guys rock.
She's a yellow pair of running shoes
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody
She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me
She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy
She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing
[Repeat chorus]
She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me
Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Alright, this song is cute! I love it! It's country, so I know a few people won't like it. But you have to admit, the lyrics are good. :D Oh man, I love music! This is seriously good stuff. I love getting itunes gift cards for my b-day. :D
Anyway, I better run. You guys rock.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Is this a pick up? 'Cuz I've gotten better lines from boys in my high school lunch room.
I know Spencer might not approve of this, but I think it's hilarious! These are all pick up lines, and they make me laugh. :D They're all pretty cheesey, just a warning. Would these actually work on me? A few of them might. ;) You'll just have to try them out for yourself!
Do you have a Bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
Let's make like fabric softener and snuggle.
There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.
Girl, you better have a license, cuz you are driving me crazy!
You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae.
Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
I must be in heaven because I'm standing next to you!
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
You must be from outter space cause I can see the stars in your eyes.
If you were a booger I'd pick you first.
Can I have directions? To your heart.
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
When I saw you from across the room, I passed out cold and hit my head on
the I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.
You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes!
Is there an airport nearby or is that my heart taking off?
Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
A song from your lips is an aria from heaven.
Are you a parking ticket? You got fine written all over you.
Are you a tamale? 'Cause you're hot.
Are you accepting applications for your fan club?
Are you an interior decorator? When I saw you the room became beautiful.
Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?
Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary?
So there you have it. :D They're hilarious, right? ;) That's my bit for the night.
Adios, Amigos.
Do you have a Bandaid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.
Let's make like fabric softener and snuggle.
There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.
Girl, you better have a license, cuz you are driving me crazy!
You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae.
Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
I must be in heaven because I'm standing next to you!
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.
You must be from outter space cause I can see the stars in your eyes.
If you were a booger I'd pick you first.
Can I have directions? To your heart.
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
When I saw you from across the room, I passed out cold and hit my head on
the I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.
You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes!
Is there an airport nearby or is that my heart taking off?
Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?
A song from your lips is an aria from heaven.
Are you a parking ticket? You got fine written all over you.
Are you a tamale? 'Cause you're hot.
Are you accepting applications for your fan club?
Are you an interior decorator? When I saw you the room became beautiful.
Are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?
Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary?
So there you have it. :D They're hilarious, right? ;) That's my bit for the night.
Adios, Amigos.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Just A Line In A Song...
Ok, I really love music. It's amazing... I just love it! There's a song for every mood. Different songs strike me at different times. These are just a few lines from a few songs that made me think. Maybe they applied to my life at the time, or maybe I just like the lyrics. Anyway, here ya go. :D
"I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love's suicide I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life." -Edwin McCain, I'll Be
"Our song is the slamming screen door, Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When we're on the phone and you talk real slow Cause it's late and your mama don't know Our song is the way you laugh The first date "man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"And when I got home ... before I said amen Asking God if he could play it again" -Taylor Swift, Our Song
"He said the way my blue eyes shined Put those Georgia stars to shame that night I said: "That's a lie."Just a boy in a Chevy truck That had a tendency of gettin' stuck On backroads at night And I was right there beside him all summer long And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone." -Taylor Swift, Tim McGraw
"I'm falling even more in love with you letting go of all I've held onto I'm standing here until you make me move I'm hanging by a moment here with you." -Lifehouse, Hangin' By A Moment
"Cause it's you and me and all other people with nothing to do Nothing to lose And it's you and me and all other people And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you" -Lifehouse, You and Me
"Maybe I'm not but you're all I got left to believe in Don't give up on me I'm about to come alive And I know that it's been hard And it's been a long time coming Don't give up on me I'm about to come alive" -Train, I'm About To Come Alive
"Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby" -Alicia Keys, If I Ain't Got You
"And all the perfect words they seem so wrong, She's gone You wish that you could learn to see, The door is closed and you wish you could be Alone with you, alone with me What can I do, I cannot breathe My heart is torn, for all to see Alone with you, alone with me." -The All-American Rejects, One More Sad Song
"Do you believe in magic? In a young girls heart How the music can free her whenever it starts And it's magic if the music is groovy It makes you feel happy like an old time movie" -Aly and AJ, Do You Believe In Magic
"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do." -Taylor Swift, Teardrops on My Guitar
"there's never a wish better than this When you only got 100 years to live" -Five for Fighting, 100 Years
"she laid her heart and soul right in your hands And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't You stupid boy" -Keith Urban, Stupid Boy
"I'd rather be anything but ordinary please" -Avril Lavigne, Anything But Ordinary
"Closing timeYou don't have to go home but you can't stay here ... Closing time Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" -Closing Time, Semisonic
"I want a little something more Don't want the middle or the one before I don't desire a complicated past I want a love that will last Say that you love Say im the one Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run I don't do drama My tears don't fall fast I want a love that will last" -Renee Olstead, A Love That Will Last
"Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around You say you don't know You tell me don't lie You work at a smile and you go for a ride You had a bad day The camera don't lie You're coming back down and you really don't mind You had a bad day" -Daniel Powter, Bad Day
So there are just a few. There are so many more! I have so many favorite songs! I would love to post them all here, but that would take forever and be WAY too long. :D I really liked this idea, it was really fun to look at the lyrics to these songs. Hope you like it!
"I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love's suicide I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life." -Edwin McCain, I'll Be
"Our song is the slamming screen door, Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When we're on the phone and you talk real slow Cause it's late and your mama don't know Our song is the way you laugh The first date "man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"And when I got home ... before I said amen Asking God if he could play it again" -Taylor Swift, Our Song
"He said the way my blue eyes shined Put those Georgia stars to shame that night I said: "That's a lie."Just a boy in a Chevy truck That had a tendency of gettin' stuck On backroads at night And I was right there beside him all summer long And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone." -Taylor Swift, Tim McGraw
"I'm falling even more in love with you letting go of all I've held onto I'm standing here until you make me move I'm hanging by a moment here with you." -Lifehouse, Hangin' By A Moment
"Cause it's you and me and all other people with nothing to do Nothing to lose And it's you and me and all other people And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you" -Lifehouse, You and Me
"Maybe I'm not but you're all I got left to believe in Don't give up on me I'm about to come alive And I know that it's been hard And it's been a long time coming Don't give up on me I'm about to come alive" -Train, I'm About To Come Alive
"Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby" -Alicia Keys, If I Ain't Got You
"And all the perfect words they seem so wrong, She's gone You wish that you could learn to see, The door is closed and you wish you could be Alone with you, alone with me What can I do, I cannot breathe My heart is torn, for all to see Alone with you, alone with me." -The All-American Rejects, One More Sad Song
"Do you believe in magic? In a young girls heart How the music can free her whenever it starts And it's magic if the music is groovy It makes you feel happy like an old time movie" -Aly and AJ, Do You Believe In Magic
"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do." -Taylor Swift, Teardrops on My Guitar
"there's never a wish better than this When you only got 100 years to live" -Five for Fighting, 100 Years
"she laid her heart and soul right in your hands And you stole her every dream and you crushed her plans She never even knew she had a choice and that's what happens When the only voice she hears is telling her she can't You stupid boy" -Keith Urban, Stupid Boy
"I'd rather be anything but ordinary please" -Avril Lavigne, Anything But Ordinary
"Closing timeYou don't have to go home but you can't stay here ... Closing time Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" -Closing Time, Semisonic
"I want a little something more Don't want the middle or the one before I don't desire a complicated past I want a love that will last Say that you love Say im the one Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run I don't do drama My tears don't fall fast I want a love that will last" -Renee Olstead, A Love That Will Last
"Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around You say you don't know You tell me don't lie You work at a smile and you go for a ride You had a bad day The camera don't lie You're coming back down and you really don't mind You had a bad day" -Daniel Powter, Bad Day
So there are just a few. There are so many more! I have so many favorite songs! I would love to post them all here, but that would take forever and be WAY too long. :D I really liked this idea, it was really fun to look at the lyrics to these songs. Hope you like it!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Random Ramblings
Hola. I've been having an off... month, I guess. But for some reason right now I just feel really happy. I'm not sure why, exactly, but I feel happy. It's a nice feeling, and I can't get the smile off of my face, not that I want it gone or anything. :D
I haven't done much work lately, homework or otherwise. I decided to do some today. I think that's a good idea.
Nobody is home, I'm here alone. And I like it. It's fun to have the house all to myself. I've got my music turned up nice and loud, and it just feels good. Strange, huh? I like it. :D
Well, I really need to finish up a bunch of stuff. I have some people I want to email ,*cough*Spencer and Nathan*cough* ;) and I need to clean my room and do a bunch of homework. :D
Have a fantabulous night, everyone.
I haven't done much work lately, homework or otherwise. I decided to do some today. I think that's a good idea.
Nobody is home, I'm here alone. And I like it. It's fun to have the house all to myself. I've got my music turned up nice and loud, and it just feels good. Strange, huh? I like it. :D
Well, I really need to finish up a bunch of stuff. I have some people I want to email ,*cough*Spencer and Nathan*cough* ;) and I need to clean my room and do a bunch of homework. :D
Have a fantabulous night, everyone.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sometimes, when you love something/one... you give up what you want for what's best for them.
That's what I'm doing. I don't exactly like it.
That's what I'm doing. I don't exactly like it.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Best Day of My Life!
Wow. Sweethearts was just... amazing. I swear, yesterday was probably the best day of my life. I can't even begin to explain how great it was. :D It was just... oh man. :D The funny thing is, it started out ALL wrong. I won't lie to you, I stressed about it all week. I was worried because my date (Scott) isn't from Taylorsville, and he doesn't really know anyone here. All week I was worried that he would have a horrible time, or that he wouldn't show at all. It wasn't the best of weeks anyway, and this worried just increased the all over crappiness. At about 9 yesterday he texts me to tell me that he's going to be about an hour late. Which is really no biggie, because I had told him to be here a half an hour earlier than he needed to be, anyway. But the fear of him blowing me off increased with this text. He finally got here, and I breathed a major sigh of relief.
First we went to pick up Autumn, then we ventured to Marissa's house for lunch and let me tell you, Scott knows how to make a pizza!!! Each couple made their own pizza, I basically let Scott put whatever he wanted on ours. I'm not picky. It was an awesome pizza. Very yummy.
Our original plan for our day date was to go to the Boondocks and play miniature golf and laser tag; but because of the lateness (and Thatcher's basketball game), we had to move to plan B. We went to Hollywood Connections instead. Thatcher and Wilenys decided they didn't have time before the game, so they went home and the rest of us went to Hollywood Connections. Autumn, Jon, Scott, and I got there before Marissa and Jared, so we decided to buy tickets while we were waiting. We decided on laser tag, and we wandered around like idiots for about 10 minutes trying to figure out where the laser tag was. When we finally found it, we were told that the next available game was at 3:40. Yeah, that'll work. Not. We were now on plan C. So mini golf it was. Marissa and Jared finally got there, we paid for our mini golf tickets, and proceeded to stand in line for probably another 10 or 15 minutes before we actually were able to start our game of golf. I was kind of worried that Scott wouldn't like my friends, but he seemed to be getting along with everyone perfectly. He didn't care that we teased him, in fact, he teased back. He even laughed at all of Thatcher's weird jokes. We finally got to play, but it was taking forever. I was starting to get worried. It was after 3, and I had told Sarah that I would be at her house BY 4 so she could do my hair. PLUS, my uncle was taking our pictures and West Jordan Park at 5. We were cutting it close! Despite the time issue, we all had a ton of fun. We made fun of each other, cuz none of us were really that good. We skipped ahead of a couple of people in front of us, because it was getting really late! We left Hollywood Connections at about 5 to 4. Scott went with Jared to his house to get ready, and I booked it over to Sarah's.
You should all be proud of me. I got ready in less than an hour. That's hair, make-up, dress, and jewelry. All in less than an hour. Heck yes, I'm good.
Too bad we were still almost an hour late to pictures. It's a good thing that my uncle loves me.
We took our pictures at West Jordan Park. You know, the one with the big wooden castle. It was amazing. We got pictures on the swings, the slides, the tire swing, and in the castle. We did both group and single shots. I hope they turn out well. :D I'm sure they will. It was pretty funny, tho. These 3 little girls were following us around. Watching us, and playing with us.
After pictures, we came back to my house. My dad made dinner for us, and it was delicious! After dinner we sat around and talked for awhile. It was so much fun! I laughed so hard. Actually, everyone laughed. :D
We went to the dance around 8:30. I think that was the best dance I've ever been to, region dances included. The music was pretty good, I don't think there was a song I really objected to. It ended at 10, and the cops herded us out of the school. But seriously, when there's about 500 people trying to cram through one door, they kind of need to chill. We had decided on Arctic Circle, but it was closed. Weird, huh? I didn't know Arctic Circle closed so early. We grabbed some ice cream from Albertsons and went back to my house and played Wii. Everyone had to leave around 11, because my dad left again today and needed to get to bed.
I was so worried that Scott wouldn't have a good time, or that he wouldn't come at all. I'm so glad he came, I'm glad I asked him, and I'm glad he had a good time. Yesterday seriously was the best day of my life. And I didn't even tell you everything! I left out a lot of details, some because they weren't necessarily important, some because I just wanted to keep it to myself. Oh wow, it was a great day. :D
Now that I've bored you all.... ;)
Have a wonderful night.
First we went to pick up Autumn, then we ventured to Marissa's house for lunch and let me tell you, Scott knows how to make a pizza!!! Each couple made their own pizza, I basically let Scott put whatever he wanted on ours. I'm not picky. It was an awesome pizza. Very yummy.
Our original plan for our day date was to go to the Boondocks and play miniature golf and laser tag; but because of the lateness (and Thatcher's basketball game), we had to move to plan B. We went to Hollywood Connections instead. Thatcher and Wilenys decided they didn't have time before the game, so they went home and the rest of us went to Hollywood Connections. Autumn, Jon, Scott, and I got there before Marissa and Jared, so we decided to buy tickets while we were waiting. We decided on laser tag, and we wandered around like idiots for about 10 minutes trying to figure out where the laser tag was. When we finally found it, we were told that the next available game was at 3:40. Yeah, that'll work. Not. We were now on plan C. So mini golf it was. Marissa and Jared finally got there, we paid for our mini golf tickets, and proceeded to stand in line for probably another 10 or 15 minutes before we actually were able to start our game of golf. I was kind of worried that Scott wouldn't like my friends, but he seemed to be getting along with everyone perfectly. He didn't care that we teased him, in fact, he teased back. He even laughed at all of Thatcher's weird jokes. We finally got to play, but it was taking forever. I was starting to get worried. It was after 3, and I had told Sarah that I would be at her house BY 4 so she could do my hair. PLUS, my uncle was taking our pictures and West Jordan Park at 5. We were cutting it close! Despite the time issue, we all had a ton of fun. We made fun of each other, cuz none of us were really that good. We skipped ahead of a couple of people in front of us, because it was getting really late! We left Hollywood Connections at about 5 to 4. Scott went with Jared to his house to get ready, and I booked it over to Sarah's.
You should all be proud of me. I got ready in less than an hour. That's hair, make-up, dress, and jewelry. All in less than an hour. Heck yes, I'm good.
Too bad we were still almost an hour late to pictures. It's a good thing that my uncle loves me.
We took our pictures at West Jordan Park. You know, the one with the big wooden castle. It was amazing. We got pictures on the swings, the slides, the tire swing, and in the castle. We did both group and single shots. I hope they turn out well. :D I'm sure they will. It was pretty funny, tho. These 3 little girls were following us around. Watching us, and playing with us.
After pictures, we came back to my house. My dad made dinner for us, and it was delicious! After dinner we sat around and talked for awhile. It was so much fun! I laughed so hard. Actually, everyone laughed. :D
We went to the dance around 8:30. I think that was the best dance I've ever been to, region dances included. The music was pretty good, I don't think there was a song I really objected to. It ended at 10, and the cops herded us out of the school. But seriously, when there's about 500 people trying to cram through one door, they kind of need to chill. We had decided on Arctic Circle, but it was closed. Weird, huh? I didn't know Arctic Circle closed so early. We grabbed some ice cream from Albertsons and went back to my house and played Wii. Everyone had to leave around 11, because my dad left again today and needed to get to bed.
I was so worried that Scott wouldn't have a good time, or that he wouldn't come at all. I'm so glad he came, I'm glad I asked him, and I'm glad he had a good time. Yesterday seriously was the best day of my life. And I didn't even tell you everything! I left out a lot of details, some because they weren't necessarily important, some because I just wanted to keep it to myself. Oh wow, it was a great day. :D
Now that I've bored you all.... ;)
Have a wonderful night.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ugh. I feel yucky. Something trippy is going on in my stomach, and my head just might explode. I came home early from school today. I guess I looked as good as I felt, cuz I had about 20 people ask me if I was ok. At lunch today, Kim and I were talking. All at once I got dizzy and hot. She took one look at me and kicked Alan out of his chair so I could sit down. It was a good thing, too. I was pretty close to passing out. I can't afford to be sick this weekend. There's way too much going on. I'm pretty sure this is a one day thing, tho. Hopefully it doesn't throw off my weekend. Annyway, there's my post for the day. See ya'll later.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Estoy Loca Por Ti
Happy Hearts Day.
Yup, it's finally Valentines day again. The day that every teenage girl without a boyfriend hates. Guess what. No boyfriend here. However, my inner hopeless romantic will not allow me to completely hate a day that celebrates love. However, if you don't want to celebrate V-day, you can celebrate Singles Awareness Day. But that's just SAD. lol.
Valentines day is sort of like a chick flick, especially for girls. All girls love a good chick flick, but if you ever watch a chick flick with a girl, you will notice that afterwards all they can say is how much they hate chick flicks in general. Why do girls watch chick flicks if they hate them? Well, girls don't necessarily hate chick flicks. Girls hate that their lives aren't like the lives of the girls in the chick flicks. We don't always get the guy, and if we do get the guy, he's not perfect like the guy in the movie. Sometimes girls feel worse about themselves after viewing the chick flick. But we still love them. Just like we still love Valentines day. Even if we deny it. Even if we profess to hate it, we still love it. Cuz we're saps. Cuz we're hopeless romantics.
Annyway, I better run.
Oh yeah, the title of this post means: I'm crazy for you. Appropriate, huh?
Yup, it's finally Valentines day again. The day that every teenage girl without a boyfriend hates. Guess what. No boyfriend here. However, my inner hopeless romantic will not allow me to completely hate a day that celebrates love. However, if you don't want to celebrate V-day, you can celebrate Singles Awareness Day. But that's just SAD. lol.
Valentines day is sort of like a chick flick, especially for girls. All girls love a good chick flick, but if you ever watch a chick flick with a girl, you will notice that afterwards all they can say is how much they hate chick flicks in general. Why do girls watch chick flicks if they hate them? Well, girls don't necessarily hate chick flicks. Girls hate that their lives aren't like the lives of the girls in the chick flicks. We don't always get the guy, and if we do get the guy, he's not perfect like the guy in the movie. Sometimes girls feel worse about themselves after viewing the chick flick. But we still love them. Just like we still love Valentines day. Even if we deny it. Even if we profess to hate it, we still love it. Cuz we're saps. Cuz we're hopeless romantics.
Annyway, I better run.
Oh yeah, the title of this post means: I'm crazy for you. Appropriate, huh?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
February 11
Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dear Jaron. Happy Birthday to you!!!!
I love you Jaron! My best friends are now both 17. I feel so young!!!
Happy Birthday, Jaron!
I love you Jaron! My best friends are now both 17. I feel so young!!!
Happy Birthday, Jaron!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Do you ever find yourself just doing something, and you wonder why in the world you're doing it? It's some pointless little thing that you don't even like doing, you get nothing out of it, and it's basically a waste of time? Yeah, I was just doing that. I'm sitting here, basically just chillin'. Checking some stuff out online, and I wonder: why am I even on the computer? I'm not having fun, I'm not talking to anyone, I'm not doing homework. So what's the point of me sitting here being bored? There's so much I still need to accomplish tonight, and I haven't done anything in the past half an hour because I've been on the computer. And I find that I enjoy being on the computer more when every thing else that I have to do is completed. I have homework, work, and plenty of other things to take care of. Yet, here I am. Typing away. I don't even have music playing. So right now, I'm pointless. I'm gonna go fix that.
I'm out.
I'm out.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
10 Things I Hate About You
This is a good movie, even though it is a bit crude. It's a chick flick, and I can't resist chick flicks. Here's my favorite part, it's kinda been my theme lately:
I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick — it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh — even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Well, that's it for now.
I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick — it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh — even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Well, that's it for now.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Not Even Good
Soo... yeah. I didn't do my homework last night. Or the night before. Or the night before. Nice, huh? Getting behind so soon after the new term starts. I decided today that I was gonna kick school in the butt and get caught up. But my doctor's appointment screwed that up. So I came home and did nothing, again. I tried to clean my room, and I did make SOME headway, but it's still not done. I hate getting behind, but I hate working. I hate how much homework I get. It totally is not even good. Not at all.
Today I decided that I actually like Harward. I just don't like his homework. He's super nice and really willing to help us as long as we just ask. I really wanted to get a lot done tonight, but it's already 8:45 and I haven't done anything. Maybe I'll just stay up late and get it all done. Then I'll probably be cranky tomorrow morning. But at least I'll feel good tonight... yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
So I'm gonna get goin' on that.
Oh yeah, one more thing. There's an "I Hate Courtney" Club at school. They're currently taking applications. You should check it out. ;)
I'm out.
Today I decided that I actually like Harward. I just don't like his homework. He's super nice and really willing to help us as long as we just ask. I really wanted to get a lot done tonight, but it's already 8:45 and I haven't done anything. Maybe I'll just stay up late and get it all done. Then I'll probably be cranky tomorrow morning. But at least I'll feel good tonight... yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
So I'm gonna get goin' on that.
Oh yeah, one more thing. There's an "I Hate Courtney" Club at school. They're currently taking applications. You should check it out. ;)
I'm out.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
You know when you first wake up and you're no where near coherent and the only thing you can manage to say is "Uhnnnnh..."? Yeah, that's how I am right now. It's actually pretty fun. I'm just warm and sleepy. I feel kinda bad tho, cuz I'm talking to people and they probably think I'm being rude. I promise I'm not, I'm just drowsy.
You know what's a good song? Dream Big by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband. It's awesome.
Oh, we're going to my grandma's house now. So I'll see ya'll later.
You know what's a good song? Dream Big by Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband. It's awesome.
Oh, we're going to my grandma's house now. So I'll see ya'll later.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Sick of Sad
Ugh. Alright, here we go.
Everyone is allowed to have their emotions. That's totally true. And I think it's good to feel a variety of things. BUT I hate it when my friends are sad. Seriously. And I feel like I have to fix it. I feel like I have to make it better. When someone is sad or angry, my first thought is "Did I do something?" My second thought: "What can I do to make it better?" And when the answer to the second question is no, it KILLS me. I hate not being able to fix things. I'm a fixer. I can't help it. My dad's a fixer. I guess I learned it from him. I hate knowing that anyone is sad or hurt (physically, emotionally, mentally) and that there's nothing I can do to make it better. I guess that's one reason I want to be a doctor: I can fix people, at least physically. Even if I don't know them, or their family, or what they did yesterday, I would be able to help them. (Was that a comma splice? Oh well.)
I'm beginning to learn that, most of the time, I can't fix it. Whatever IT is. And you know what? It doesn't feel good to figure this out. It seems that lately, when one of my friends is having a bad day, or feeling sad, there's nothing-ABSOLUTELY NOTHING- that I can do. And it hurts. So I've started to avoid people when I know they're sad. Horrible, huh? Doing that completely goes against every instinct and nature I have. Because when I'm around someone, and they're sad, especially if I can't fix it....well, it makes me sad. And I hate being sad. So I have to choose between being with someone and being sad, or being without them. And that's a hard choice. Either way, I'm not as happy as I could be. I hate not being happy. I try my hardest to stay happy, and I like it that way. Even when I have a crappy day, I still try to find at least one thing to smile about. And I've gotten pretty good at doing this. But when I'm sitting next to someone, and they're sad, and I can't fix it... it's hard to find anything to smile about. (I have a feeling there are a bunch of comma splices in this post. Curse you, Harward.)
I don't know. This probably isn't making any sense... :S
I just know that... Well, I'm sick of people being sad. I'm sick of not being able to make people happy. I'm sick of people being sad because of me or something I said or did. I'm sick of not being able to laugh and smile because people are sad. It's stupid. I'm a happy robot, and I like it the way I am. But it's becoming increasingly harder to stay a happy robot when everyone around me is sad.
Annnnnnnyway, on that happy note. ;) I'm outta here.
Everyone is allowed to have their emotions. That's totally true. And I think it's good to feel a variety of things. BUT I hate it when my friends are sad. Seriously. And I feel like I have to fix it. I feel like I have to make it better. When someone is sad or angry, my first thought is "Did I do something?" My second thought: "What can I do to make it better?" And when the answer to the second question is no, it KILLS me. I hate not being able to fix things. I'm a fixer. I can't help it. My dad's a fixer. I guess I learned it from him. I hate knowing that anyone is sad or hurt (physically, emotionally, mentally) and that there's nothing I can do to make it better. I guess that's one reason I want to be a doctor: I can fix people, at least physically. Even if I don't know them, or their family, or what they did yesterday, I would be able to help them. (Was that a comma splice? Oh well.)
I'm beginning to learn that, most of the time, I can't fix it. Whatever IT is. And you know what? It doesn't feel good to figure this out. It seems that lately, when one of my friends is having a bad day, or feeling sad, there's nothing-ABSOLUTELY NOTHING- that I can do. And it hurts. So I've started to avoid people when I know they're sad. Horrible, huh? Doing that completely goes against every instinct and nature I have. Because when I'm around someone, and they're sad, especially if I can't fix it....well, it makes me sad. And I hate being sad. So I have to choose between being with someone and being sad, or being without them. And that's a hard choice. Either way, I'm not as happy as I could be. I hate not being happy. I try my hardest to stay happy, and I like it that way. Even when I have a crappy day, I still try to find at least one thing to smile about. And I've gotten pretty good at doing this. But when I'm sitting next to someone, and they're sad, and I can't fix it... it's hard to find anything to smile about. (I have a feeling there are a bunch of comma splices in this post. Curse you, Harward.)
I don't know. This probably isn't making any sense... :S
I just know that... Well, I'm sick of people being sad. I'm sick of not being able to make people happy. I'm sick of people being sad because of me or something I said or did. I'm sick of not being able to laugh and smile because people are sad. It's stupid. I'm a happy robot, and I like it the way I am. But it's becoming increasingly harder to stay a happy robot when everyone around me is sad.
Annnnnnnyway, on that happy note. ;) I'm outta here.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
End Of Term. I'm way behind, so I probably won't be blogging much in the next few days.
I don't know if I'm going to blog much for the next little while, anyway. I think I'm just going to take a break. I really have nothing to write about. And there are like, 2 people even reading.
So I'm out, for now and for a awhile after.
I don't know if I'm going to blog much for the next little while, anyway. I think I'm just going to take a break. I really have nothing to write about. And there are like, 2 people even reading.
So I'm out, for now and for a awhile after.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Today is the 4th day of 2007. Now, I could do a simple review or 2006. Or I could be a loser and completely follow Nick (Great job, Nick, btw. That was an awesome post.). OR I could be Courtney, and come up with something completely new. So I decided to do that. Technically, it's still a review of 2006, BUT instead of hearing how I feel now about something that happened in March, you can hear about how the me in March feels about that thing that happened. Does that make sense? So basically, here's what's goin' down. I'll go month by month, describing an event taking place in each month, AND I'll include a quote from my journal, talking about that specific event. So even though I might feel differently now about something that happened a few months ago than I did when it first happened, you're going to hear how I felt then. :D Just know, most of the things I'll write about aren't huge events. They're little nights watching movies with my friends, or at dances, or things like that. They may mean nothing to anyone but me. But I had fun, and they do mean something to me. So read on. Ladies and gentlemen: This is going to be Epic.
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
I celebrated the New Year with Tania, Valerie, Thatcher, and Kyle at First Night for Youth at the Conference Center. It was AMAZING. You have no idea. Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband was awesome. Kelly Duhan was as entertaining as ever. It was a wonderful night, we had dinner at my house, although because Thatcher was late (as always!) he was rather rushed in eating. Then we took Trax downtown. Afterwards we returned to my house to play Catch Phrase, and pop some poppers at midnight.
On January 26, I wrote:
New Years Eve we went to the First Night for the Youth at the Conference Center. I took Valerie, Tania, Kyle and Thatcher. It was a lot of fun even though we missed the region dance.
The region dance in February was awesome.
On February 19, I wrote:
Last night was the region dance. It was a lot of fun. A little bit into the dance, we (meaning me, Stuart, Seth, and Peter) decided to go outside. It was snowing and there was a ton of snow on the ground. The ground was cold and wet, so of course I went out barefoot. Seth and Peter both freaked out. I was laughing and teasing them. I was perfectly fine. A little chilly ;), but fine. I even walked through the mounds of snow, with snow up past my ankles. I ignored the protests of all of my friends. Finally, they made me go back inside.
The funny thing about that, is that there were little puddles around my feet for the next 15 minutes until all of the snow melted off my feet and legs. ;)
Then February 28 was my birthday! I turned 16, and had an awesome birthday party. This deserves to be in here, because it was a big deal to me. I don't know if anyone else cared, but I had fun!
On February 28, I wrote:
*Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Today has been the best birthday ever! On Friday I had my birthday party. Too much fun... Thatcher got his coat stuck in the Tanner's tree. Crazy kid."
In March, Taylorsville City Youth Council went to Utah State for a few days for a leadership conference. I made a bunch of new friends, and had a blast.
On March 18, I wrote:
I just had a great week! I went to USU Youth Council Conference. I made some amazing friends! Hannah, Isabelle, Nate and Joel. We had such a great time. And they're from River Heights! They know grandma and grandpa! So the most amazing thing about this is that I'll get to see them again! It was really sad when we left today. I got cell phone numbers and everything, so it's going to be so great!
And I have seen them since! It's amazing, I love making new friends!
The band, orchestra, and choir went on tour. It was a lonely week.
On April 2, I wrote:
The past few days have been good, but strange. The band, orchestra, and choir went on tour. School has been so empty. Usually there are about 20 people around my locker. On Wednesday-Friday there were 2. Everyone was gone. Stuart, Becca, Melissa, Peter, Kenny, Sarah, Kyle. There were some people still at school, like Thatcher, James, Levi, Valerie, Tania, and Hope. And it was fun to spend more time with them, but there were a ton of people gone. I've talked to Melissa a lot while she's been gone They went to the zoo and the beach and Sea World. I talked to Kenny yesterday. It was a lot of fun.
I also started hanging out with Jaron and Alan more. And now they're my best friends!
On April 2, I wrote:
I've been hangin out with Jaron and Alan a lot lately, too. They're so funny! They make me laugh so hard! "I'm unarmed!" Hahahaha!
On April 9, I wrote:
Jaron and I... decided to make up our own country. It's called Cjaron. It's awesome! We even have our own "language." It's so cool! ... Jessica and I decided we're gonna double w/ Jaron and Alan. We're gonna go bowling. Jaron says he'll teach me, which is good cuz I can't bowl!
I didn't write anything in my journal during May. I'm sure whatever I was doing, it was great fun!
Girls camp. Ugh. If you know me, you know I am NOT a camper. We'll leave it at that. ;)
On June 7, I wrote:
Kill me now. I'm in a van with 12 other girls. Most of them are beehives, and VERY loud. Lynsey won't shut up! She's singing and gossiping and annoying me. ... I swear, someone is going to end up dead before we get to camp. Either me or someone else! And it'll be my fault!
Now you see that I have little patience when I'm cramped up in a van with 12 12 year olds who are singing Rascal Flatts songs at the top of their lungs. And it's probably not a good idea to wake my up at 5 AM during the summer, either. ;)
On June 8, I wrote:
Alone at last. I don't get much quiet at girls camp. ... All I know now is that I'm very cold.
It rained, snowed, hailed, and slushed. That's right. Slushed. I gained about 40 pounds and 2 inches in height from the mud that stuck to the bottom of my shoes. It was... an experience.
Alan was in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Murray Park. I went to see it, talk about fun.
On July 27, I wrote:
Wow. Today was great. What a turn around. It started out crappy, but ended up great. This morning I told myself that I was gonna have a good day, and I meant it... until my mom told me that I wasn't going to Alan's play. I was so angry. I turned up my music, really really loud, and stayed in my room. I didn't want to talk to my mom, and it was easy not to, since she was doing yard work all morning. At 10 I went to summer seminary... When Alan got there he asked if I was going to the play tonight. I didn't know what to say, so I explained why my parents didn't want me to go (Murray park isn't the best place to be alone at night..especially for a teenage girl). And of course, Alan had a solution. "You could go with my mom. She's going tonight... I might even have a free ticket for you." Alan was awesome.
Summer seminary rocked! On the last day, we had a barbecue. It was a ton of fun!
On July 27, I wrote:
Seminary was great today! It was a barbecue, so we just got to mess around. I hung out with Alan, Jaron, and Silvia. Alan left at noon, and Jaron took me and Silvia to EJH. No one was there, so we went to McDonalds. From there, Jaron went home, and I took Silvia home.
I went to Utah Business Week at Utah State. At first, I didn't want to be there. I missed my friends. But by the end of the week, I didn't want to leave!
On August 1, I wrote:
Maili is my best friend here. We've been sharing food and the funny thing is, our attitudes are a lot alike. We get annoyed at the same things, we make fun of the same things. It's good. Kris, Tyler, and Brenton are my other good friends, although I'm closer to Kris and Tyler. They're so funny. The food here sucks, and both me and Maili have family near, so we've been having our family bring us good food.
On August 2, I wrote:
My room mate went home, so Maili moved in! Yay! lol. There was a dance tonight. It was so much fun! I LOVE dancing. I met this kid named Sam. He reminds me of my friends at home.
On August 3, I wrote:
Oh, wow. Today has been the best so far. Mainly just this afternoon. This morning was filled with boring speakers as usual. This afternoon Maili and I came in to nap for lunch again. I actually got to sleep. Yay. We were late for our company meeting...again. We thought Scott would be mad, but he wasn't. I learned a new game today. It's called "Baby If You Love Me..." SO FUN! I HAVE to teach everyone at home.
The dreaded school begins. The dreaded Junior year.
On September 28, I wrote:
I know, I know. It's 7:10 and I'm already at school. I've been here for 40 minutes. Isn't that insane? Early morning seminary. I love it, but I do miss some things. Like sitting in front of my locker and talking before school.
Early morning seminary is going to be the death of me. I love it, I really do. But it's getting so hard! And like the quitter that I am, I'm switching into seminary during 1B. It'll be better for me.
My little sister had a birthday in October. Kortney and Jaron came over, we messed around with the karaoke machine, and basically had a good time. After Jaron left, Kort slept over. We went through our old journals, and ended up writing for awhile.
On October 6, I wrote:
Hey! I'm sitting here with Kortney. :D We're having fun.
Descriptive, huh? ;) Unfortunately, I didn't write any more about what we did that night, or the next day. You'll just have to trust me. We were having fun. :D
I also asked Alan to Sadies
On October 16, I wrote:
I asked Alan to Sadies last night. I put an alarm clock set for 3:52 under his bed with a poster that said "Wake up! Who knew? It's me, It's you. Get a Clue! Someone wants to go to Sadies with you!"
Sadies! And getting Answered!
On November 20, I wrote:
He trashed my room. Glitter and streamers and balloons everywhere. I had to pop the balloons to see if he said yes or no. But Alan wasn't very sneaky. I totally knew that it was coming.
If you really wanna know about the rest of it, you can read my post on getting answered. And my post for Sadies, for that matter. ;)
On November 21, I wrote:
So yeah, Sadies really wasn't too bad. And after we left the dance, I was mad but I did have fun. I think overall, it's a good memory. I really can't wait for the pictures. I'm super excited for them.
And Thanksgiving, of course!
On November 27, I wrote:
Gotta love Thanksgiving. Lots of food. No school. Sweetness.
I didn't write in December, either. :S Darn. Oh well, I went on a bunch of dates downtown to see the Christmas lights. Christmas break was amazingly fun, and amazingly short. I spent a ton of time with Alan and Jaron, and just had a great time. Life is great!
So there's my review of the year. It was a great year, and I'm totally psyched for the new one. :D It's going to be great, I know it! Thanks to everyone for being my friends. If I didn't mention you up there ^ it's not cuz I didn't want to. It's just cuz, come on, it's my journal. I'd prefer it if my WHOLE journal wasn't posted on the internet. ;) I just picked stuff that wasn't too personal. Anyway, I love ya all. You're all amazing. And I can't wait to hang out more in '07.
Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
I celebrated the New Year with Tania, Valerie, Thatcher, and Kyle at First Night for Youth at the Conference Center. It was AMAZING. You have no idea. Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband was awesome. Kelly Duhan was as entertaining as ever. It was a wonderful night, we had dinner at my house, although because Thatcher was late (as always!) he was rather rushed in eating. Then we took Trax downtown. Afterwards we returned to my house to play Catch Phrase, and pop some poppers at midnight.
On January 26, I wrote:
New Years Eve we went to the First Night for the Youth at the Conference Center. I took Valerie, Tania, Kyle and Thatcher. It was a lot of fun even though we missed the region dance.
The region dance in February was awesome.
On February 19, I wrote:
Last night was the region dance. It was a lot of fun. A little bit into the dance, we (meaning me, Stuart, Seth, and Peter) decided to go outside. It was snowing and there was a ton of snow on the ground. The ground was cold and wet, so of course I went out barefoot. Seth and Peter both freaked out. I was laughing and teasing them. I was perfectly fine. A little chilly ;), but fine. I even walked through the mounds of snow, with snow up past my ankles. I ignored the protests of all of my friends. Finally, they made me go back inside.
The funny thing about that, is that there were little puddles around my feet for the next 15 minutes until all of the snow melted off my feet and legs. ;)
Then February 28 was my birthday! I turned 16, and had an awesome birthday party. This deserves to be in here, because it was a big deal to me. I don't know if anyone else cared, but I had fun!
On February 28, I wrote:
*Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Today has been the best birthday ever! On Friday I had my birthday party. Too much fun... Thatcher got his coat stuck in the Tanner's tree. Crazy kid."
In March, Taylorsville City Youth Council went to Utah State for a few days for a leadership conference. I made a bunch of new friends, and had a blast.
On March 18, I wrote:
I just had a great week! I went to USU Youth Council Conference. I made some amazing friends! Hannah, Isabelle, Nate and Joel. We had such a great time. And they're from River Heights! They know grandma and grandpa! So the most amazing thing about this is that I'll get to see them again! It was really sad when we left today. I got cell phone numbers and everything, so it's going to be so great!
And I have seen them since! It's amazing, I love making new friends!
The band, orchestra, and choir went on tour. It was a lonely week.
On April 2, I wrote:
The past few days have been good, but strange. The band, orchestra, and choir went on tour. School has been so empty. Usually there are about 20 people around my locker. On Wednesday-Friday there were 2. Everyone was gone. Stuart, Becca, Melissa, Peter, Kenny, Sarah, Kyle. There were some people still at school, like Thatcher, James, Levi, Valerie, Tania, and Hope. And it was fun to spend more time with them, but there were a ton of people gone. I've talked to Melissa a lot while she's been gone They went to the zoo and the beach and Sea World. I talked to Kenny yesterday. It was a lot of fun.
I also started hanging out with Jaron and Alan more. And now they're my best friends!
On April 2, I wrote:
I've been hangin out with Jaron and Alan a lot lately, too. They're so funny! They make me laugh so hard! "I'm unarmed!" Hahahaha!
On April 9, I wrote:
Jaron and I... decided to make up our own country. It's called Cjaron. It's awesome! We even have our own "language." It's so cool! ... Jessica and I decided we're gonna double w/ Jaron and Alan. We're gonna go bowling. Jaron says he'll teach me, which is good cuz I can't bowl!
I didn't write anything in my journal during May. I'm sure whatever I was doing, it was great fun!
Girls camp. Ugh. If you know me, you know I am NOT a camper. We'll leave it at that. ;)
On June 7, I wrote:
Kill me now. I'm in a van with 12 other girls. Most of them are beehives, and VERY loud. Lynsey won't shut up! She's singing and gossiping and annoying me. ... I swear, someone is going to end up dead before we get to camp. Either me or someone else! And it'll be my fault!
Now you see that I have little patience when I'm cramped up in a van with 12 12 year olds who are singing Rascal Flatts songs at the top of their lungs. And it's probably not a good idea to wake my up at 5 AM during the summer, either. ;)
On June 8, I wrote:
Alone at last. I don't get much quiet at girls camp. ... All I know now is that I'm very cold.
It rained, snowed, hailed, and slushed. That's right. Slushed. I gained about 40 pounds and 2 inches in height from the mud that stuck to the bottom of my shoes. It was... an experience.
Alan was in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Murray Park. I went to see it, talk about fun.
On July 27, I wrote:
Wow. Today was great. What a turn around. It started out crappy, but ended up great. This morning I told myself that I was gonna have a good day, and I meant it... until my mom told me that I wasn't going to Alan's play. I was so angry. I turned up my music, really really loud, and stayed in my room. I didn't want to talk to my mom, and it was easy not to, since she was doing yard work all morning. At 10 I went to summer seminary... When Alan got there he asked if I was going to the play tonight. I didn't know what to say, so I explained why my parents didn't want me to go (Murray park isn't the best place to be alone at night..especially for a teenage girl). And of course, Alan had a solution. "You could go with my mom. She's going tonight... I might even have a free ticket for you." Alan was awesome.
Summer seminary rocked! On the last day, we had a barbecue. It was a ton of fun!
On July 27, I wrote:
Seminary was great today! It was a barbecue, so we just got to mess around. I hung out with Alan, Jaron, and Silvia. Alan left at noon, and Jaron took me and Silvia to EJH. No one was there, so we went to McDonalds. From there, Jaron went home, and I took Silvia home.
I went to Utah Business Week at Utah State. At first, I didn't want to be there. I missed my friends. But by the end of the week, I didn't want to leave!
On August 1, I wrote:
Maili is my best friend here. We've been sharing food and the funny thing is, our attitudes are a lot alike. We get annoyed at the same things, we make fun of the same things. It's good. Kris, Tyler, and Brenton are my other good friends, although I'm closer to Kris and Tyler. They're so funny. The food here sucks, and both me and Maili have family near, so we've been having our family bring us good food.
On August 2, I wrote:
My room mate went home, so Maili moved in! Yay! lol. There was a dance tonight. It was so much fun! I LOVE dancing. I met this kid named Sam. He reminds me of my friends at home.
On August 3, I wrote:
Oh, wow. Today has been the best so far. Mainly just this afternoon. This morning was filled with boring speakers as usual. This afternoon Maili and I came in to nap for lunch again. I actually got to sleep. Yay. We were late for our company meeting...again. We thought Scott would be mad, but he wasn't. I learned a new game today. It's called "Baby If You Love Me..." SO FUN! I HAVE to teach everyone at home.
The dreaded school begins. The dreaded Junior year.
On September 28, I wrote:
I know, I know. It's 7:10 and I'm already at school. I've been here for 40 minutes. Isn't that insane? Early morning seminary. I love it, but I do miss some things. Like sitting in front of my locker and talking before school.
Early morning seminary is going to be the death of me. I love it, I really do. But it's getting so hard! And like the quitter that I am, I'm switching into seminary during 1B. It'll be better for me.
My little sister had a birthday in October. Kortney and Jaron came over, we messed around with the karaoke machine, and basically had a good time. After Jaron left, Kort slept over. We went through our old journals, and ended up writing for awhile.
On October 6, I wrote:
Hey! I'm sitting here with Kortney. :D We're having fun.
Descriptive, huh? ;) Unfortunately, I didn't write any more about what we did that night, or the next day. You'll just have to trust me. We were having fun. :D
I also asked Alan to Sadies
On October 16, I wrote:
I asked Alan to Sadies last night. I put an alarm clock set for 3:52 under his bed with a poster that said "Wake up! Who knew? It's me, It's you. Get a Clue! Someone wants to go to Sadies with you!"
Sadies! And getting Answered!
On November 20, I wrote:
He trashed my room. Glitter and streamers and balloons everywhere. I had to pop the balloons to see if he said yes or no. But Alan wasn't very sneaky. I totally knew that it was coming.
If you really wanna know about the rest of it, you can read my post on getting answered. And my post for Sadies, for that matter. ;)
On November 21, I wrote:
So yeah, Sadies really wasn't too bad. And after we left the dance, I was mad but I did have fun. I think overall, it's a good memory. I really can't wait for the pictures. I'm super excited for them.
And Thanksgiving, of course!
On November 27, I wrote:
Gotta love Thanksgiving. Lots of food. No school. Sweetness.
I didn't write in December, either. :S Darn. Oh well, I went on a bunch of dates downtown to see the Christmas lights. Christmas break was amazingly fun, and amazingly short. I spent a ton of time with Alan and Jaron, and just had a great time. Life is great!
So there's my review of the year. It was a great year, and I'm totally psyched for the new one. :D It's going to be great, I know it! Thanks to everyone for being my friends. If I didn't mention you up there ^ it's not cuz I didn't want to. It's just cuz, come on, it's my journal. I'd prefer it if my WHOLE journal wasn't posted on the internet. ;) I just picked stuff that wasn't too personal. Anyway, I love ya all. You're all amazing. And I can't wait to hang out more in '07.
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