Sunday, February 18, 2007

Best Day of My Life!

Wow. Sweethearts was just... amazing. I swear, yesterday was probably the best day of my life. I can't even begin to explain how great it was. :D It was just... oh man. :D The funny thing is, it started out ALL wrong. I won't lie to you, I stressed about it all week. I was worried because my date (Scott) isn't from Taylorsville, and he doesn't really know anyone here. All week I was worried that he would have a horrible time, or that he wouldn't show at all. It wasn't the best of weeks anyway, and this worried just increased the all over crappiness. At about 9 yesterday he texts me to tell me that he's going to be about an hour late. Which is really no biggie, because I had told him to be here a half an hour earlier than he needed to be, anyway. But the fear of him blowing me off increased with this text. He finally got here, and I breathed a major sigh of relief.
First we went to pick up Autumn, then we ventured to Marissa's house for lunch and let me tell you, Scott knows how to make a pizza!!! Each couple made their own pizza, I basically let Scott put whatever he wanted on ours. I'm not picky. It was an awesome pizza. Very yummy.
Our original plan for our day date was to go to the Boondocks and play miniature golf and laser tag; but because of the lateness (and Thatcher's basketball game), we had to move to plan B. We went to Hollywood Connections instead. Thatcher and Wilenys decided they didn't have time before the game, so they went home and the rest of us went to Hollywood Connections. Autumn, Jon, Scott, and I got there before Marissa and Jared, so we decided to buy tickets while we were waiting. We decided on laser tag, and we wandered around like idiots for about 10 minutes trying to figure out where the laser tag was. When we finally found it, we were told that the next available game was at 3:40. Yeah, that'll work. Not. We were now on plan C. So mini golf it was. Marissa and Jared finally got there, we paid for our mini golf tickets, and proceeded to stand in line for probably another 10 or 15 minutes before we actually were able to start our game of golf. I was kind of worried that Scott wouldn't like my friends, but he seemed to be getting along with everyone perfectly. He didn't care that we teased him, in fact, he teased back. He even laughed at all of Thatcher's weird jokes. We finally got to play, but it was taking forever. I was starting to get worried. It was after 3, and I had told Sarah that I would be at her house BY 4 so she could do my hair. PLUS, my uncle was taking our pictures and West Jordan Park at 5. We were cutting it close! Despite the time issue, we all had a ton of fun. We made fun of each other, cuz none of us were really that good. We skipped ahead of a couple of people in front of us, because it was getting really late! We left Hollywood Connections at about 5 to 4. Scott went with Jared to his house to get ready, and I booked it over to Sarah's.
You should all be proud of me. I got ready in less than an hour. That's hair, make-up, dress, and jewelry. All in less than an hour. Heck yes, I'm good.
Too bad we were still almost an hour late to pictures. It's a good thing that my uncle loves me.
We took our pictures at West Jordan Park. You know, the one with the big wooden castle. It was amazing. We got pictures on the swings, the slides, the tire swing, and in the castle. We did both group and single shots. I hope they turn out well. :D I'm sure they will. It was pretty funny, tho. These 3 little girls were following us around. Watching us, and playing with us.
After pictures, we came back to my house. My dad made dinner for us, and it was delicious! After dinner we sat around and talked for awhile. It was so much fun! I laughed so hard. Actually, everyone laughed. :D
We went to the dance around 8:30. I think that was the best dance I've ever been to, region dances included. The music was pretty good, I don't think there was a song I really objected to. It ended at 10, and the cops herded us out of the school. But seriously, when there's about 500 people trying to cram through one door, they kind of need to chill. We had decided on Arctic Circle, but it was closed. Weird, huh? I didn't know Arctic Circle closed so early. We grabbed some ice cream from Albertsons and went back to my house and played Wii. Everyone had to leave around 11, because my dad left again today and needed to get to bed.
I was so worried that Scott wouldn't have a good time, or that he wouldn't come at all. I'm so glad he came, I'm glad I asked him, and I'm glad he had a good time. Yesterday seriously was the best day of my life. And I didn't even tell you everything! I left out a lot of details, some because they weren't necessarily important, some because I just wanted to keep it to myself. Oh wow, it was a great day. :D
Now that I've bored you all.... ;)
Have a wonderful night.


Stephanie said...

oooh! I loved that story! I'm super happy for you Court!

And I'm soooo sorry I didn't see you.

Kortney said...

Sounds like a day to remember for sure

Kortney said...
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Samantha said...

dude, sounds freakin amazing. I had fun at Sweetheart's too! Best day of my life! haha that is said a lot...but I really think it was so far!

The Warrior said...

Sounds like you had so much fun!

I so have to try laser tag someday...or paintball...but I need to command some people, or something...I'm a frustrated general, you see. ;-D

Later, Court!


Nathan said...

Sounds awesome! I'm glad you had a great time. :-)

And it was good to see you after the dance, and to meet Scott. He seems like a good guy. :-)