Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10 Things

I've been a whiney, mopey Courtney lately. In my defense, I feel that I have good reason. I've had about three illnesses at once, plus school. And we all know how I feel about school. So anyway, here I am. And I've decided that it's a good day to do another 10 things. I've done them before. I'm going to list 10 things I'm grateful for, 10 things I really love. Sometimes it just helps to put things into perspective. Because we really need to appreciate the little things, ya know?
So here are my 10 things for today:

10. Hot, steamy, showers.
9. Heating pads. Wonderful things.
8. Naps. I don't take them as often as I did a few years ago, but the ones I've had lately have been greatly needed and have been extremely beneficial.
7. Yummy food. I've been learning how to cook more, and it's really been fun. I love providing for my family.
6. Medicine. Heavenly Father has greatly blessed our day with wonderful, wonderful things to help us get better and feel better. I am so grateful.
5. Hot chocolate.
4. Comfy clothes.
3. Socks. I love them.
2. Days off.
1. Mike Starr. My very favorite person in the whole world, my best friend, my husband. He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and he takes such good care of me. I don't know what I would do without him. He is simply... amazing.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm dropping out and opening a bakery...

This is one of the threat's I've commonly used on my mother, and now on my husband, when school gets to be a little too much to handle. Whether it means I'm bored, stressed out of my mind, or unhappy with policies at the university. Anyway, I'm definitely feeling the "stressed out of mind" part right now, so here it goes:

I'm dropping out and opening a bakery. Sure, sure. I know, my last post was uplifting and inspiring about how this is just a challenge, and I can totally beat it. But I'm totally recanting all of that. School is hard, and I don't like it, and I don't want to do it anymore. I like baking. Bread, cupcakes, brownies, peach bars... yumm....

I just want to stay home and play wife. Clean the house, do the laundry, make dinner, and bake yummy treats. Those are the things I really like doing. Sadly, there aren't classes at USU about any of those. Except for cooking, but they won't let me into those cuz I'm not a dietetics major. LAME.

Anyway, I've been procrastinating writing a paper for about 2 and 1/2 hours now, and still going strong. Unfortunately, I lack the ability to stay up past 10, so I won't be able to procrastinate for much longer. Anyone want to write it for me? Anyone? Anyone at all? I'll make you chocolate cake...
*corky starr*

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Boom, Baby!

Today my academic adviser looked at my school schedule and said "Well, that's ambitious." Ha. Yeah, like I don't know that. I'm only a week and a half into the semester and I'm already more on the sinking side of swimming. 17 credits with anatomy and physiology in one semester. Sure, James G. has done it. But do I look like James? I think not.
But seriously. Although 17 credits has taken away any chance I had of having a relaxing semester, I'm in my element. I'm going to school. I'm taking care of my home. And I have the man I love at my side. It's really a wonderful thing. Life just keeps getting better. And hopefully, I won't kill that feeling by being a lamewad this semester and failing all of my classes.
Speaking of... in my Mental Aspects of Sports class today, Doc Gordin was talking about stresses athletes might experience. And he said one thing they need to do, one thing we all need to do, is to turn Ps to Cs. We need to turn problems into challenges. For example, I can look at school in two different ways. 1. "Oh crap, 17 credits!!! I'm gonna fail everything!!" OR 2. "17 credits. Bring it on." I choose number 2. Cuz it sounds like way more fun than failing everything. Don't you think? Anyway, despite taking on more than I probably should, I think this semester is going to be epic, one way or another.
/semi-inspirational rant.
Soo... remember how I always used to pretend that I was totally awesome (which I still am, by the way) and could kick anyone's butt? Well although the awesome part was true, the butt kicking wasn't so much. But soon, I will actually be a force to be reckoned with. Boys and girls, with the help of the good people at USU, I will soon be a kickboxing machine. One of the requirements for my major is to take 3 different PE courses. My first one is kickboxing, and let me tell you, it so totally rocks. Sure, I'm sore every day, and sure, I lack coordination, but I am having so much fun. It's a totally amazing workout, and it really is a blast. I encourage all of you to try it out at least once. I knew it would kick my butt back into shape, but I didn't know how much fun it would be. For real.
Anyway kiddies, it's been fun. I really have enjoyed this. I'm starting to remember why I used to like blogging so much. Sometimes it's just fun to say what you want to say, even if no one is listening.
Peace out.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Not that anybody actually reads this anymore...but...
I have a new blog going. You should check it out.
Just on the off chance that somebody looks at this...