Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cold Shower

It's funny how, with one little bit of information, a whole outlook can change. By learning something new today, my view of the world may shift. That fact may have always been true, but because I didn't know it, things were different in my world.

Maybe I'm not making any sense; it's just interesting, that's all.

Ya know, I'm almost ready for school to start again. Just so I have something to talk about. Just so I get to see people everyday again.

I went swimming with some people today. It was good fun. Stuart and Peter threw me into the pool. The thing is, my body was parallel to the water. Have you ever belly flopped? Try that on your back. Molly said it looked like someone had slapped my back with an open palm. It was all good fun, tho. I laughed.
Tonight I'm going to a movie night at Katie's, I can't wait! Finally I get to spend time with people who aren't related to me!!

Anyway, I better go. We're going out for dinner...


Nathan said...

Sounds fun! ^_^

And I need to talk to you... it's actually quite important. And you're the only one I can talk to about it. It's... unlike anything we've talked about recently. I'll actually probably just send it in an e-mail, or something... yeah.

Unknown said...

Hey Courtie!

Been missin' you lately. We should chat sometime soon!

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Ah movie nights and making cookies....good times good times!