Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Good News/Bad News

The good news is it rained today. The bad news is it's supposed to be snow by morning.


The Warrior said...

Snow? That's bad news? I've never beheld snow in all my few years....

Courtney said...

when it's almost april, and you've had snow since november, you start to get sick of it. if you really want it, you can definitely have it. ;)

Stephanie said...

Bleh.. It did snow. Freaking lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So much for my picnic...

Nathan said...

Ugh. Snow... I'm so sick of it.

At least it rained, though. :-)

The Warrior said...

Why don't you send some my way? ;-D

Wait, I should be careful for what I wish for...!

The Warrior said...
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Courtney said...

lol. it's true spencer. you never know what could happen... ;)