Saturday, December 30, 2006

EFY Revisited

Most of you know, last summer I went to EFY at USU. It was a blast. I met a ton of cool people. I actually still keep in touch with a bunch of them. Mainly, Matt, Rob, and Scott. Matt and Rob are twins. They live in Provo. Scott lives in Harrisville, which is just North? of Ogden. Scott and I have been talking a lot lately, and decided it would be a lot of fun to hang out. Matt, Rob, and Scott would meet here, because my house is pretty much the middle, and then we would go see the lights at Temple Square because they hadn't seen them yet. Scott and I decided it would be fun if we made it a date, I could bring some friends for Matt and Rob, and I would go with Scott. So we had it all planned, we just had to talk to Matt and Rob. Unfortunately, it was their sisters birthday yesterday, and so they couldn't come. So we switched gears, Scott would bring some friends, I would bring some friends. It would be fun. :D

So the guys showed up at about 5:15 last night. Scott brought his friends Alex and Justin. Tania and Jessica came shortly afterwards. After saying goodbye to the 'rents, Scott drove us to the Gateway. We chilled at the Gateway for a bit, going to the planetarium and walking around, just talking and looking at stuff. Then we went to Temple Square, to look at the lights. We eventually made our way back to the Gateway, and had dinner at Applebees. We finished dinner around 9, and decided to make our way back to my house. Once we got home, we talked a lot about EFY (ok, so me, Scott, and Jessica talked a lot :D No one else had been to EFY.) and a bunch of other stuff. Then we pulled out Apples to Apples. Now that was fun. :D I won the first round easily, to everyones chagrin. ;) The second round was tied for a long time between Tania and Jessica, before Justin and I caught up, with Jessica finally winning.

Around 11, my mom decided it was late enough, and everyone needed to go home. The guys had to drive for 45 minutes to get home, so it was probably good they left at that point, anyway. I said goodbye to Tania and Jessica first, then walked with Scott and Justin to their car, thanking them for driving so far, for paying for dinner, and for making the night so much fun. I really had a blast. I'm so glad they came.

Scott and I are planning to sign up for the same session of EFY this year, at USU of course. :D Scott said he'd bring Justin, too. :D How cool would it be if we were in the same company?! :D That would totally rock. So, in summary, last night was awesome. I was really nervous at first, but eventually I settled down and had a great time!

In other news, region dance tonight!! I'm super psyched! I haven't been to on since September, and I'm definitely going through withdrawals. :D So expect a post on that sometime in the near future. :D

Anyway, not much else to blog about. I've been spending a ton of time with Alan and Jaron lately, but usually we only amuse ourselves. Everyone else thinks we're weird. :D And we know we are. But at least we make ourselves laugh, right? Right.
peace out, yo. ;)


Nathan said...

See? I told you it would be fine. ;-) Glad it went well for you!

And I'm totally gonna be at the region dance tonight. It's gonna rock. 8-)

Jaron Frost said...

;) We are basically awesome! Sounds like you had a fun date, I'm happy! :D