Thursday, January 24, 2008


Alright, here's what's goin' down:

1) New Job: I have 2 jobs now. I still stuff envelopes, but I also work at a daycare. It's pretty fun, I've only worked 3 days, so anything could happen. It's not amazing pay, but better than nothing. And most of the kids are really cute. I work Monday through Friday, 2-6. No weekends, and most of my evenings are free. So that's nice.

2) Half Days of School: Since I had most of my credits taken care of, I got home release for a bunch of classes. So I have 2 classes each day, plus seminary (if i feel like it. ;) just kidding). I get home at about 10:40, unless I go to seminary. Then I get home at 12. It's nice. I like it. :D

3) Chocolate. I eat too much of it.

4) Housing for College: I now have an apartment for next year! It's great, I'm so excited. I'm rooming with Sarah... even better!!

And that's about it... my life is grand. But time is passing slowly, I'm not gonna lie... Next year should come. :D

Love ya!


Jaron Frost said...

Wow. I'm jealous! You get to go home after only two periods! Oh well, I guess I could have done the same. Good luck with your daycare job. I really do think you'll like it. It just seems like something you would love. :)

Nathan said...

It's almost frustrating how very set you are. I'd ask for your secret, but you'd probably sic your daycare kids on me. ;-)

Seriously, though, great stuff. I'm glad things are working so well for you! You'll do great at this new job of yours.

The Warrior said...

Ditto what Nathan said, and kudos on the job.

As to next year, hold your horses. You'll suddenly find yourself crying for peace when everything cascades down on top of you all at once (like me right now, lol!).

How have you been???? :-D
