Monday, October 02, 2006

I Live.

Yes, Nathan, I live. :D It's been a hectic week, sorry for not posting for so long. I know, I know. It's been...9 days. No excuse! lol. Let me give you a summary of my life lately.

Homecoming week. Busy. Stressful, especially for girls...and guys...and pretty much anyone going to homecoming. Not only did I have to make sure I had everything ready for the dance, but I had to do plenty of homework, watch musical rehearsals (ok, I didn't HAVE to do that, but hey! A girl needs a little fun!), chores, and family activities...Plus I couldn't find anything to write about. :D Oh, and I've been sick. So there's my excuse. ;)

Homecoming Football Game: We scored!! Against Skyline! We scored!! Ok, so they might have possibly let us. But who cares!? We Scored!!
Final Score: Skyline-38 Taylorsville-6

Homecoming Day Date: The guys picked up the girls at about 8 (depending on what order you got picked up in, it may have been anywhere from 7:30 to 8:15). We then went to Taylor's house for breakfast, which the guys made for us. Let me say, that was an experience. Now, before you start yelling at me, Jaron, I did not say it was a BAD experience. I just said it was an experience. ;) When they had to ask how to make scrambled eggs, we girls all looked at each other and tried to refrain from laughing. We weren't very successful with that. :D We laughed the whole time. Especially when Austin opened the waffle iron and said "Oh, look! It's multicolored!" Oh, boy. We just knew we were going to be in for a treat. And we laughed. A lot. Next stop: Walmart. Apparently, Walmart is Homecoming Central, or something. We saw 3 or 4 other groups there. We played the shopping cart game. Basically, each couple gets a shopping cart and fills it with 25 of the most random things they can find. Then everyone trades carts, and the first couple to empty their cart (putting things WHERE THEY GO) wins. We got second. Go me and Austin. :D After that we went to a park to have lunch, and we just messed around. Around 12:30 I started to get a headache and my throat was sorta sore...The girls got home around 2.

Homecoming Dance and After: The guys picked us up around 6, and we went to Peter's house for dinner. We got to the dance around 7:45ish. We got pics first thing, so we didn't have to wait in a line at all. We stayed at the dance until it ended at 10...while we were there, we danced. Big surprise. ;) After the dance, we went to Stuarts house and basically just hung out there until 11:30. My head and throat was starting to hurt again. So when I got home, I crashed.

Conference Weekend: Woke up around 9:30 on Saturday feeling horrible. Watched conference, which was great! :D I love conference. Even through the TV, the Spirit is so strong. I love to see the Prophet, even though he's what? 96? He's amazing! He travels all over the world, and he's just...incredible. I started watching the afternoon conference, but because I felt so crappy, I ended up sleeping through half of it. The same thing happened Sunday. :D Sorry guys, I feel bad about that. But I just felt horrible...

Today: Got up, went to school. At the end of second period I got a call from my mom...telling me that my little sister has strep throat and that she got it from me. Fun. So she brought me meds. :D lol. And Jaron and I went to Jamba Juice for lunch. Yay! lol. Came home, crashed. And now here I am. :D

Everything you wanted to know about my week and more. lol. And now, I have history homework to attend to.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Here is a testament that the dead do live again. ;-)

Seriously, awesome stuff here! That Walmart game sounds like a blast--I sense a night out coming on. :-P

Great to see you blogging again, great to hear you had a good time, and hope you get better soon! :-D