Saturday, September 01, 2007


Holy Busy Week, Batman!!

Goodness gracious, can you say crazy? Cuz that's what my week has been. It's finally Saturday, and I've still got a busy busy day ahead of me, if everything works out right. I have to try on a dress for Stephanie, and Scott's randomly decided that he wants to go paintballing, so we'll see what happens! Plus I still have a box and a half to finish for work, I'm thinking I'll finish those Monday.

I swear, school is eating my paycheck. So many fees...

Football game last night. We lost, but it was seriously a good game. The Warriors definitely put up a good fight! I'm proud of our team. After the game, James, Dakota, and I went to Leatherbyes and got some yummy ice cream treats. It was HUMONGOUS!!! We shared it, and by the time we finished we were all thuroughly sick of ice cream. But it was still yummy. :D

*sigh* I haven't been on the computer much at all lately, I suppose that's what school is. Less time to waste, more time to work, right? Speaking of work... I have to clean my room before Steph gets here!

Much love!

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Glad to see you! Sounds like you're quite busy, indeed. It's good for you, though, if you balance it right. Nothing like the satisfaction of a hard day's work. 8-)

"I haven't been on the computer much at all lately, I suppose that's what school is. Less time to waste, more time to work, right?"

Not if you're anything like me. 8-)