Sunday, February 11, 2007

February 11

Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dear Jaron. Happy Birthday to you!!!!

I love you Jaron! My best friends are now both 17. I feel so young!!!
Happy Birthday, Jaron!


Jaron Frost said...

:D Thank you, Court! Don't worry, your birthday is coming up soon... mwahaha. I love you too! I'll let you know what I want to do for a party.

Nathan said...

Happy birthday, Jaron! :-D

Nick said...

Psh... YOU feel young?


You don't know what young is.

The Warrior said...

Hey, I missed it! Aw, sorry Jaron! I would start a belated SP topic...but...uh...SP's not quite going too well right now.

Happy birthday though!

Courtney said...

jaron, i forbid you from telling them when my birthday is. ;)

Nathan said...

Hehe.... I already know. I don't know what I'm gonna do with it, but I'm hoping I'll come up with something worthy of the occasion. ;-)

Courtney said...

oh crap.

Nathan said...

lol, Don't worry Court. The chances of me coming up with a good idea are slim! ;-)